Series in "The Belt and Road" International Railway Telents Education: Civil Engineering Materials: From Theory to Practice

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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 FundamentalsofMaterials
1.1 Composition and structure
1.2 Physical properties
1.3 Mechanical properties
1.4 Durability
Chapter 2 InorganicCementing Materials
2.1 Portland cement
2.2 Calcium sulfoaluminate cement
2.3 Calcium aluminate cements
2.4 Alkali-activated cement
2.5 Magnesium-based cements
Chapter 3 Portland Cement Concrete
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Types of concrete
3.3 Raw materials
3.4 Concrete at fresh state
3.5 Mechanical properties
3.6 Deformation
3.7 Durability
3.8 Mix design
3.9 Self-compacting concrete and its application in high-speed rail
3.10 Steam-cured concrete
Chapter 4 Metal
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Structural steel
4.3 Standards and selection of building steel
4.4 Corrosion and prevention of steel
4.5 Nonferrous metals
Chapter 5 Wood
5. 1 Introduction
5.2 Structure and composition
5.3 Engineering properties
5.4 Wood-based composites
5.5 Durability
Chapter 6 Polymers
6.1 Engineering plastics
6.2 Sealants
6.3 Adhesive
6.4 Fiber reinforced polymer
Chapter 7 Asphalt
7. 1 Asphalt cement
7.2 Liquid asphalts
7.3 Asphalt concrete
Chapter 8 Cement,based Composites
8.1 Cement asphalt composite
8.2 Ultrahigh-performance concrete
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Series in "The Belt and Road" International Railway Telents Education: Civil Engineering Materials: From Theory to Practice