Soil Mechanics (2nd Edition)

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Origin and Classification of Soils
1.1 Introduction:what is soil mechanics
1.2 Origin of soils
1.3 Soi l mineralogy
1.4 Soi l mineralogy characterization
Chapter 2 One Dimensional Flow of Water Through Soils
2.1 Head
2.2 Determination of permeability in the laboratory
2.3 Phase relationships
2.4 Determination of particle size of soils
2.5 Physical states and index properties of fine-grained soils
2.6 Soi l classification schemes
Chapter 3 Groundwater Flow and Control
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Laboratory measurement of permeability
3.3 Flow net
3.4 Static liquefaction,heaving,boiling and piping
Chapter 4 Compaction
4.1 Proctor compaction test
4.2 Total and effective stresses
4.3 Relationship between laboratory and field consolidation
Chapter 5 Shear Strength of Soils
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Principal planes and principal stresses — Mohr’s circle
5.3 Mohr's strength theory
5.4 Shearing strength —a function of effective stress
5.5 Shearing strength tests
5.6 Unconfined compression(UC)test
Chapter 6 Bearing Capacity of Soils
6.1 Basic concepts of bear ing capacity
6.2 Bearing capacity equations
Chapter 7 Soil Strength
7.1 Introduction and objectives
7.2 Stress Analysis
7.3 Soi l strength
7.4 Friction
7.5 Shear box or direct shear apparatus
7.6 Basic concepts on lateral earth pressures
Soil Mechanics (2nd Edition)