Chinese Architecture: Palaces, Gardens, Temples and Dwellings

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Someone says that to understand a country, one may begins from its architecture, since architecture is a concentration of history of human life, a living memory, and a language that is easy to understand. Traditional Chinese architecture, along with European architecture and Islamic architecture, are called three architectural systems of the world. Each one, no matter a room, a tower, a hall, a temple, a bridge, or a pagoda, reflects the influence of Chinese culture, history, politics, religion, and society. This book, in the form of telling stories, introduces the cultural connotation behind different Chinese architectural forms.<br/>
<strong>About the author</strong>
<p>Cai Yanxin, born in Chongqing of Chinain April 1980, graduated in 2009 fromCollege of Architecture & City Planning atTongji University in Shanghai with a PhDdegree and is now an instructor at theFaculty of Architecture Southwest Jiao-tong University in Chengdu. Her researcharea includes Chinese traditional archi-tectural art, protection and reutilization ofChinese traditional architectures.</p>
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Sample pages of Chinese Architecture: Palaces, Gardens, Temples and Dwellings (ISBN:9787508533841, 7508533844)
Sample pages of Chinese Architecture: Palaces, Gardens, Temples and Dwellings (ISBN:9787508533841, 7508533844)
Sample pages of Chinese Architecture: Palaces, Gardens, Temples and Dwellings (ISBN:9787508533841, 7508533844)
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