The poetry of Tang Dynasty is one of the most representative treasures in traditional Chinese culture. This book introduces the general knowledge of Tang poetry and some most prestigious poets and their masterpieces.
Table of Contents
璀璨唐诗 Splendid Tang Poetry 大唐盛世 The Golden Age of the Great Tang Dynasty 诗歌巅峰 Peak of Poetry 群星闪耀 Brilliant Poets 唐诗分期 Stages of Tang Poetry 唐诗魅力 Glamour of Tang Poetry 唐诗知识 Knowledge of Tang Poetry 唐诗的体裁 Genres of Tang Poetry 唐诗的题材 Themes of Tang Poetry 唐诗的诗派 Schools of Tang Poetry 著名诗人与唐诗作品 Famous Poets and Works “诗仙”李白 “Poetry Immortal”Li Bai “诗圣”杜甫 “Poetry Sage”Du Fu “诗魔”白居易 “Poetry Wizard”Bai juyi “诗佛”王维 “Poetry Buddha”Wang Wei “诗鬼”李贺 “Poetry Spirit”Li He 孟浩然 Meng Haoran 王昌龄 Wang Changling 杜牧 DU MU 李商隐 Li Shangyin 唐朝女诗人 Poetesses of Tang Dynasty 脍炙人口的唐诗 Celebrated Tang Poetries