120 Chinese-English Poems by Tang Poets"" has selected 120 Tang poems most of which are quatrains, arranged in Chinese-English bilingual form and made a translation of the original text, notes and appreciation of each poem. After the text there is Chinese-English bilingual introduction of the poet and classic lines. The authors English translation of Tang poem is not only the unity of form and spirit, but also more concerned about the translation and introduction of Chinese culture.
Table of Contents
诗 A Quatrain 山中 In the Mountain 渡汉江 Sailing Across the Han River 登幽州台歌 An Ascent to the Youzhou Tower 咏柳 The Willow 回乡偶书二首(其一) Written Off—hand upon Returning Home(No.1) 蜀道后期 Left Behind in Sichuan 登鹳雀楼 An Ascent to the Stork Tower 凉州词 Sonq of Liangzhou 春晓 Spring Mornng 宿建德江 Anchored at the Jiande River 出塞二首(其一) Out of a Frontier Fortress(No.1) 闺怨 Remorse in a Boudoir 芙蓉楼送辛渐 Seeing off Xin Jian at the Lotus Tower 竹里馆 In a Bamboo Grove 鸟鸣涧 The Bird Chirping Ravine 山中送别 A Send—Off 杂诗(其二) An Inquiry(No.2) 相思 LOVin9—kindness 九月九日忆山东兄弟 Thinking of My Brothers in Hometown on the Double Ninth Festival 渭城曲 The Tune of Wei City 静夜思 Home—Thoughts on a Quiet Night 秋浦歌十七首(其十五) Songs of Qiupu(No.15) 赠汪伦 TO Wang LUn 闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄 To Mr.Wang on Hearing of His Demotion to Longbiao 黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵 Farewell at the Yellow Crane Tower to Mr.Meng Going to Guangling 望庐山瀑布 Looking at the Falls of Mount Lu 早发白帝城 An Early Start from White King City 独坐敬亭山 Sitting Alone in Jingting Mountain 长干曲四首(其一、其二) The Tune of Changgan(No.1&No.2) 凉州词 Song of Liangzhou 桃花溪 The Peach Blossom Stream 山中留客 Persuading a Guest to Stay Longer in the Hill 别董大二首(其一) Farewell to Donq Da(No.1) ……