Table of Contents
The Author's Introduction
Functional components in a Grammar: A Review ofDeployable Recognition Criteria (1984)
Process and Text: Two Aspects of Human Semiosis (1985)
The Meaning of Features in Systemic Linguistics (1987)
Hypotactic Recursive Systems in English: Toward a Functional Interpretation (1988)
Logical Meaning, Interdependency and the Linking Particle [na/-ng] in Tagalog (1995)
Systemic Typology and Topology (with C. M. I. M. Matthiessen) (1991)..
Metalinguistic Diversity: The Case from Case (1996)
Text and Clause: Fractal Resonance (1995)
More Than What the Message Is About: English Theme (1995)
Types of Structure: Deconstructing Notions of Constituency in Clause and Text (1996)
Analysing Genre: Functional Parameters (1997)
Prosodic "Structure": Grammar for Negotiation (2004)
Genre, Ideology and Intertextuality:A Systemic Functional Perspective (2006)
Tenderness: Realisation and Instantiation in a Botswanan Town(2008)