Annual Review of Functional Linguistics Vol 3

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Furthermore,Berustein’S(1990)topology of theories of instruction helps Sydney School scholars clarify the stance of their genre pedagogy in the traditional and progressive debate.He outlines four types of pedagogies along the vertical dimension of intra-individual and inter-grouP and horizontal dimension of implicit acquisition and explicit transmission.As the Sydney School pedagogy attempts to promote social Justicethrough redistribution of literary resources to empower the socially disadvantaged groups.Martin(1999a,2006)positions the R2L pedagogy in the lower right-hand quadrant of Bernstein’S topological diagram of instructional theories,regarding it as explicit and subversive.Martin(forthcoming)claims that such understanding strengthens his determination to push forward the literacy initiatiyes and make them succeed.
Table of Contents
Systemic Functional Linguistics Studies in China(201 0)
Huang Guowen,Chang Chenguang,and L0 Dairong

Metalinguistic Divergence:Centrifugal Dimensionality in SFL J.R.Martin

Problems and Solutions in Identifying Processes and
Participant Roles in Discourse Analysis
Part 1:Introduction to a Systematic Procedure for
Identifying Processes and Participant Roles Robin P.Fawcett

Developing English Language and Literacy in Post
Secondary Educa.tion:A Functional Linguistics Perspective
Zhihui Fang

Bernsteinian Perspectives on the Reading to Learn Program Liu Yi
Systemic Functional Research in China【201 0):
An Annotated Bibliography
Chang Chenguang,Lti Dairong,and Huang Guowen
Abstracts of Papers
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Sample pages of Annual Review of Functional Linguistics Vol 3 (ISBN:9787040334975)

Martin&Rose(20051 also apply Bernstein'S concepts of classification andflaming in the examination of the teaching and learning cycle in the genre pedagogy.CIassification and flaming are developed as conceptual tools for identifying differenttypes of pedagogy.The two concepts refer respectively to categorical relationships andpedagogical relationships.Bernstein(1975:88)defines classification asthe degree ofboundary maintenance between contents.Where classification is s~ong,the boundarybetween categories is clearly marked and highly insulated.Where it is weak,the levelof insulation becomes low and the dividing line blurred.Classification provides thebasic structure of curriculum,whereas flaming takes control of the basic structureof pedagogy.Bernstein(1975:89)defines framing as“the strength of the boundarybetween what may be transmitted and what may not be transmitted in the pedagogicalrelationship”.Where flaming is strong,the degree of teacher control is high and studentsare left with limited options.Where it is weak,the boundary of pedagogical relationshipis less marked and students are left with more options in the control of what is taught and leamed.The genre approach is designed to provide varying degrees of classification and flaming from phase to phase for the purpose of establishing an authoritative and empowering pedagogy.For example.weak classification and flaming dominatee first part of the Deconstruction stage as teachers brainstorm students to open up the field and the context of the genre.Students are given freedom to express their ideas aboutthe topic.Then classification and flaming strengthen with the introduction of a modeltext.Here the teacher exercises more control in the classroom when he provides,explicitinstruction about the genre of the model text
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