Innovative China: Space Mission

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China’s space industry has existed since the founding of the New China, a time when China still suffered from a very weak base of science and technology and industrial development. China’s space industry has gone through a number of stages from being a difficult start-up to supporting development, reform and revitalization and global development to finally embark on a development path suited to China’s national conditions. China has established a fully supporting aerospace technology and industrial system and has scored remarkable achievements that have amazed the world.

About Author

Zhang Jianqi was the Deputy Commander of China Manned Space Program and the President of China Space Foundation. He organized and commanded the launches of
“AsiaSat-1”, “FY-2”, the “Optus Satellites” and the “Shenzhou” spacecraft, etc. He has made an outstanding contribution to the development of China’s space industry.

Table of Contents

Table of contents: Innovative China: Space Mission (ISBN:9787508540030)

Table of contents: Innovative China: Space Mission (ISBN:9787508540030)

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