Chinese Festival Culture Series The Spring Festival

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Spring Festival, commonly known as New Year is the most ceremonious traditional festival of the Chinese nation, but also a symbol of unity and prosperity for the future sustenance of new The hope of the festive season. Beginning the first year since the Han Dynasty began to summer in (lunar) first day as Rosh Hashanah (ie year). the New Year's date thus fixed. continues to this day. more than 4.0 years of history. Many New Year's customs. China has more than nationalities are the New Year. it has become a nation set pray. celebrate. and entertainment festival festivals. excellent traditional Chinese culture is an important carrier. which contains Chinese culture crystallization of the wisdom and unite the pursuit of life and emotional sustenance Chinese people. inherited the ...
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Sample pages of Chinese Festival Culture Series The Spring Festival (ISBN:9787212070670) 

The traditional festivals are formed throughoutthe long agrarian age, during which the relationshipsbetween life and production and between thepeople and the nature were very close. To expressthe gratitude to the nature for its gifts, or celebratethe harvests from hard works, or stimulate thevitality of life, or strengthen the relationshipsamong people, people would determine one dayin a year as a festival with complete and strictcustoms, such as ceremonies, rules and taboos,special activities, decorations and foods to make thefestival a day with unique meanings and charms.More importantly, people would integrate their goodwishes into the meanings and ceremonies of thefestivals. Therefore, the festivals could represent theideals and wishes of the people in the best way. Itis safe to say that our traditions, more specifically,our spiritual and cultural traditions, are inheritedthrough the festivals year by year. 
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Chinese Festival Culture Series The Spring Festival