Red: red is the most common color of peony flowers. Bright and beautiful red is the happy festive color in China. Therefore, red peony flowers can add more beauty and happiness in festivals and weddings. Take the No. 1 Red peony for example.It is said that there was a scholar in Luoyang whoplanted a lot of red peony flowers at home and spentmost of his time reading among flowers every day.Later he ranked the first in the national examination.When the news arrived, it happened that his peony flowers were in full bloom, forming a red sea. The scholar was very delighted and shouted, No. 1 Red".Other famous red peony species include: Guo Hong(national red), Hong Bao Shi (ruby), Zhu Sha Hong(cinnabar red), Huo Lian Jin Dan (golden pellet infire), Wang Hong (Wang's red), Ni Hong Huan Cai(Neon's red), Man Yuan Chun Guang (spring in the garden), Bai Hua Zheng Chun (flowers of spring),Huo Lian Bi L (green jade in fire), etc. Yellow: yellow peony flowers are dignified and graceful. Among all yellow peony species, Yao Huang(Yao's yellow) is the most precious. It is believed to be developed by Yao Chong's family of the Song Dynasty on Sima Terrace at the foot of Mangshang Mountain,Luoyang. The flower at first is light yellow but it becomes golden yellow when in full blossom.