Healing Impotence The Traditional Chinese Way - Iron Crotch Qi Gong

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Iron Crotch Qi Gong, as the name would suggest, strengthens the abdomen and lower parts of the torso by exercises developed and used in ancient Chinese times. It was developed a thousand years ago alongside Chinese martial arts (Wushu) that were also developed at that time. The aim of Iron Crotch Qi Gong was to strengthen the male organs and lower abdominal area against trauma.It was also discovered at that time to have remarkable effects in strengthening the sexual prowess of males and has more recently been used to overcome impotence and associated sexual diseases.

About Author
Guo Baowei was born in Beijing,China in 1948.He has trained in KungFu since be was five and has studiedthe human body and body building for over 3O years. Guo Baowei attendedBeijing Teachers'College from 1982to 1985 where he studied the hisloryand pbilosophy of Chinese cuhure. Hisstudy of nutrition has enabled him toresearch and develop food recipes tocomplement the health-promoting benefits ot Qi Gong and Taiji. In 1988 hemoved to New Zealand and became a New Zealand citizen in 1999.

Tom Winiata was born in Te Puke,New Zealand and is of Maori descentwith tribal affiliations to Te Arawa,Ngati Porou. Tuwharetoa and Ngati Kahungungu. He graduated from Auckland University College with aBSC(Maths) and has worked in thecomputer field in New Zealand. Australia, England and Germany. Hepresently ahelnates his time be tweenhis family, computer work, organic fanning and writing health books inpartnership with Guo Baowei.
Table of Contents
Impotence and Iron Crotch Qi Gong
Meaning and Symptoms
History of Iron Crotch Qi Gong
Points for Attention in Qi Gong Training
15 Movements from Iron Crotch Qi Gong to
Combat Impotence
The Do's and Don'ts for Combating
Things to Do
Things Not to Do
30 Special Recipes for Combating Impotence
Chinese Medicated Diet
Ingredients Composition
The Secret Ways to Good Health
The Secret Ways
INDEX 1 Basic Things About QI GONG
Qi Gong Training
INDEX 2 The Index of Recipes
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Sample pages of Healing Impotence The Traditional Chinese Way - Iron Crotch Qi Gong (ISBN:9787119060118,7119060112)

Sample pages of Healing Impotence The Traditional Chinese Way - Iron Crotch Qi Gong (ISBN:9787119060118,7119060112)
Take several deep breaths, relax the body, relieve the mind and get rid of stray thoughts. Concentrate on the Dantian (Lower).
Breathing should be natural, free and smooth, slow and gentle. Respiration exercises should be conducted on the foundation of tranquillity. One can adopt abdominal respiration, deep abdominal respiration, mixed respiration and others according to the training requirements.
As for hallucinations that may emerge during tranquillity, there should be no nervousness, no pursuit, no association and no alarm or panic. Regard them with equanimity.
Regulate uncomfortable postures whenever necessary. Local cold, hot, touching and itching sensations should be left alone to alleviate naturally unless the cause is insect bites or stings or if the sensation is unbearably painful.
If saliva increases during the training, swallow the saliva three times. Never spit it out.
If the body feels tired during the training, one can concentrate the mind on the Dantian to rest for a short while or breathe freely and relax
There should be no alarm or panic in the case of sudden and drastic provocation during the training. One can first regulate respiration and employ mind-will to conduct Qi to return to the Dantian. If it is ascertained that there is nodirect danger to the body, one can go on with the training or close the training according to the closing requirements.
Healing Impotence The Traditional Chinese Way - Iron Crotch Qi Gong