Learning about China from Newspapers - Elementary Newspaper Reading (Book 2)

Price: $14.88 $8.00 (Save $6.88)
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Elementary, Intermediate

Learning about Chinese society;

Learning about Chinese economy;

Learning about Chinese culture;

The book enables you to learn more about the newspaper and Internet reading;

To improve your skill to use Chinese words and expressions and to read current issues of your interest.

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Sample pages of Learning about China from Newspapers - Elementary Newspaper Reading (Book 2) (ISBN:9787561915813/7561915810)
Sample pages of Learning about China from Newspapers - Elementary Newspaper Reading (Book 2) (ISBN:9787561915813/7561915810)
Sample pages of Learning about China from Newspapers - Elementary Newspaper Reading (Book 2) (ISBN:9787561915813/7561915810)
Sample pages of Learning about China from Newspapers - Elementary Newspaper Reading (Book 2) (ISBN:9787561915813/7561915810)
Sample pages of Learning about China from Newspapers - Elementary Newspaper Reading (Book 2) (ISBN:9787561915813/7561915810) Sample pages of Learning about China from Newspapers - Elementary Newspaper Reading (Book 2) (ISBN:9787561915813/7561915810)

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