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buildings of this sort, which have taken up over 60% of the totalresidential area in Shanghai. The earliest buildings with stone-ringeddoor were built by foreign land or estate agents. At that time, manywealthy merchants, landlords and government officials swarmedinto Shanghai, due to the chaos caused by war. Foreign land orestate agents who were doing business in Shanghai discovered thisopportunity, and built a lot of houses in the pattern of buildings withstone-ringed door, then sold them to those new comers.Most buildings with stone-ringed door are two-story ones built withbricks and wood, with a sloping roof as well as tiger window (dormantwindow) on it usually, and the outer wall is built with red bricks.Continuous areas of houses with stone-ringed door adopt the layoutof row dwelling as a whole, which stems from Europe. Besides,there is always a traditional Chinese decorated archway at theentrance of the lane. Among the buildings with stone-ringed door,there are combinations through blending the eastern and westernstyles everywhere.