Usage Advice
Short intensive training programs (30 class periods for intensive training program or 50~60 class periods for those with supportive exercises); self-taught before the exam
A Short Intensive Course of New HSK, aimed at providing pre-exam guidance and intensive training for the New HSK candidates and training institutions, includes 10 volumes altogether, i.e., the intensive training courses respectively for levels 3~6, the workbooks supporting the intensive courses, the volumes for intermediate spoken Chinese and advanced spoken Chinese. The intensive training course for each level provides two model tests and specific intensive training on the testing points and difficult points about grammar, vocabulary etc., the common errors, and test-taking strategies. The model tests and exercises demonstrate similarity to the official New HSK in difficulty.
This book, written for the New HSK (Level 4) training institutions, candidates and their Chinese teachers, is based on the testing points and difficult points of level 4, illustrating them with examples from the past tests, combining instruction with practice, reinforcing learning through immediate exercises, and making timely summaries so that candidates can make steady progress. It also studies the key words prescribed in the outline of level 4. The book is divided into the following parts: About the Test/Introduction to the Structure/Advice for Users—Model Test 1 (pre-tutorial test so that you’ll find your weak points)—Unit of Listening Comprehension (specific training)—Unit of Reading Comprehension (specific training)—Unit of Writing (specific training)—Model Test 2 (summary, warm-up exercise before the real test).
About the Author(s)
Wang Haifeng, Chen Li and Lu Yun, the authors of this book, are experienced teachers in the School of Chinese as a Second Language of Peking University who have been HSK tutors for many years. A Short Intensive Course of HSK, the original edition of this series they designed for the old HSK, had been ranked as a best seller for a long time in the retail market of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language and its cumulative sales had reached nearly 300,000 volumes.
Sample Pages Preview
A穿越 具有 归根结底 特别 内容
B横跨 保留 继往开来 甚至 方面
c跨越 存在 迄今为止 尤其 价值
D越过 建造 空前绝后 主要 对象
A因 古代 成熟 形式 B由 以前 地道 痕迹
C据 过去 纯粹 样式 D以 古典 独特 符号
A长大 告诉 积极 物体 B成长 提醒 尽量 物质
C发展 责怪 努力 货物 D发育 欺骗 亲自 事物
A流传 基础 丰富 不但 B时尚 根本 充实 尽管
C流行 背景 丰满 不仅 D时髦 故事 完整 除了
70.在电子产品_____的今天,很多餐馆为了____ 顾客上门,都在积极推出数字_____用餐体验服务。不过,纽约一家餐馆却“逆潮流”而行,称如果顾客集中精力吃完一_____饭,在此期间不玩手机或其他电子产品的话,就能_____9.5折的优惠。
A普及 吸引 化 顿 享受
B遍及 促使 式 碗 受到
C普通 催促 型 餐 获得
D流通 鼓励 类 次 得到。