Usage Advice: Tobe used together with the HSK syllabus and short intensive textbook of the same level
This is the Workbook matching
A Short Intensive Course of New HSK (Level 5), targeted at HSK level 5 candidates and training institutions. This workbook is divided into two parts: skill training and simulation tests. Skill training is subdivided into listening, reading and writing, with several lessons devoted to each. The content and emphasis of each lesson are in accordance with those in the textbook. As for the simulation tests, there are four complete sets of test papers, each set including a test paper, the listening script, reference answers, and explanations. The listening sections are provided with audio recordings, which can be acquired by scanning the QR codes in the book.
About the Author
Liu Chaoying, Long Qingtao, Jin Shunian and Cai Yunling, the authors of this book, are experienced teachers in the School of Chinese as a Second Language of Peking University who have been HSK tutors for many years. Their
A Short Intensive Course of HSK(Advanced) has been well received in China and abroad since its publication in 2002.