Stay Healthy The Chinese Way: Foot Massage Therapy

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Table of Contents
Chapter Ⅰ: Why Foot Massage Is Effective 
Feet - The Second Heart of the Human Body 
Feet - The Starting and Ending Points of Many Channels 
Acupoints on the Feet and Legs 
How Foot Condition Reflects Health 
Chapter Ⅱ: Health Information Conveyed by the Feet 
Health Condition Reflected by Foot Color 
Health Problems Reflected by Foot Shape 
Health Warnings - Pain on Pressure Applied to Foot 
Diseases Reflected by Foot Posture 
Diseases Indicated by the Toenails 
Chapter Ⅲ: Foot Massage at Home 
Preparations for Foot Massage 
Common Foot Massage Methods 
Specific Massage Sequence 
Precautions to Be Observed in Foot Massage 
Normal Reactions to Foot Massage 
Diseases Foot Massage Can Help Cure 
Chapter Ⅳ: Foot Massage as a Means of Alleviating Common Diseases 
Chapter Ⅴ: Foot Massage as a Means of Alleviating Common Chronic Diseases of Middle and Old Age 
Coronary Heart Disease 
Sequelae of Stroke 
Chapter Ⅵ:Foot Massage as a Means of Alleviating Diseases Related to the Spinal Column and Joints 
Stiff Neck 
Cervical Spondylosis 
Periarthritis Humeroscapularis 
Acute Lumbar Sprain 
Prolapse of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc 
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 
Chapter Ⅶ: Foot Massage as a Means of Alleviating Gastrointestinal Diseases 
Poor Appetite 
Abdominal Distension 
Chronic Pancreatitis 
Cholecystitis and Cholelithiasis 
Chapter Ⅷ: Foot Massage as a Means of Alleviating Genitourinary Diseases 
Hyposexuality and Sexual 
Impotence and Premature 
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 
Climacteric Syndrome 
Chapter Ⅸ: Foot Massage as a Means of Alleviating Common Children's Diseases 
Acute Tonsillitis 
Chapter Ⅹ: Foot Massage as a Means of Sustaining Health 
Allaying Tiredness 
Relieving Stress 
Refreshing the Mind 
Calming the Nerves and 
Improving Sleep 
Clearing and Beautifying the Skin 
Names and Positions of Reflex Zones on the Feet 
Names, Positions and Indications of Acupoints on the Feet
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The term "tai ji" (太极) refers to the overall unity ofthe universe. Therefore, those TCM acupoints thatcontain the character "tai" are particularly significant.Functioning both as the shu-stream point of the footshaoyin kidney channel and the yuan-source point ofthe kidney, the tai point is the place through whichthe essential qi of taiyin (which literally means "greateryin") is transported to the outer parts of the body.Stimulation at this point enriches yin and energizes thekidney. The foot shaoyin spleen channel and the handshaoyin heart channel, which are closely interlinked,communicate with the foot taiyang bladder channelboth on the outside and the inside of the body throughthe channels and collaterals. As a result, they canmoisten the lung, promote body fluid generation, andunblock and regulate the gallbladder. The kidney issaid to be like a mother to the liver, so massaging thetai xi, located on the kidney channel, boosts the kidneyand calms the liver. 
The spleen is that part of the viscera which filtersand stores blood and plays a vital role in bloodcirculation. It is also responsible for transportationand transformation activities in the human body.Transportation refers to the digestion and assimilationof food and transformation refers to the change in thecomposition of the various nutrients. Therefore, asTCM confirms, disorders in the process of digestionand assimilation of nutrients often indicate thatsomething is wrong with the spleen. Additionally, thespleen governs the four limbs and the muscles, so, inmost cases, the treatment of injuries to and diseases ofthe peripheral nerves and muscles often starts with thespleen. The foot taiyin spleen channel and particularlythe tai bai point located on it are of vital importance inany treatment of spleen-related disorders that startswith stimulation of the channel points. Massaging thetai bai point can effectively cure problems such asvomiting, indigestion, abdominal pain, borborigmus,bloody stool and constipation.
Stay Healthy The Chinese Way: Foot Massage Therapy