东方风貌 称誉世界
一、技艺独特的中国画 / 5
二、秀外慧中的书法艺术 / 17
一、从酝酿走向成熟 / 29
二、“神光离合”“出生入死”的杰出表演 / 36
三、游园惊梦——古代梦剧院的现代诠释 / 44
博拊笙簧 歌之舞之
一、中国琴风 / 56
二、宫廷歌舞 / 62
三、市井俗乐 / 70
四、中国的十大古曲 / 77
Eastern Styles of World Renown
——Introduction to Chinese Fine Arts
1.Chinese Painting with a Unique Technique / 86
2.Calligraphy Elegant in Exterior and Intelligent in Interior / 101
Breathtaking Dramas on the Stage
——The Bustling Stage in China
1.From Fermentation to Maturity / 117
2.Bewitching Presentation——Separation and Reunion of the Spirit and
Appearance / 124
3.Dream in the Garden——A Modern Annotation of Ancient Dream Drama / 134
Music, Singing and Dancing
——A Music Paradise for Recreation
1.Chinese “Qin” / 146
2.Singing and Dancing at Imperial Courts / 151
3.Folk Music of Townspeople / 160
4.Ten Great Ancient Tunes / 165