Highlights of China: Chinese Science and Technology

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Table of Contents
善假于物 实用为先
—— 走在世界前列的古代发明
一、中国古代科技的特征 / 3
二、智慧的结晶 / 7
三、四大发明 / 20
救死扶伤 贡献人类
—— 渊源流长的中华医学
一、中华医学发展的历程 / 29
二、中国古代医学理论 / 34
三、中华名医流芳百世 / 37
建筑瑰宝 技艺高超
—— 中国古代建筑纵览
一、中国古代建筑发展脉络 / 47
二、优美的园林建筑 / 60
三、中国古代建筑英杰——鲁班 / 66
巧夺天工 异彩纷呈
—— 璀璨的手工艺术
一、玉石工艺 / 71
二、青铜工艺 / 75
三、瓷器工艺 / 78
四、石雕砖刻 / 82
五、织绣工艺 / 86
六、编织工艺 / 90
Pragmatic Chinese Inventions
—— Ancient Chinese Inventions Ahead of the World
1.Characteristics of Ancient Chinese Science and Technology / 97
2.Crystallization of Wisdom / 102
3.Four Great Inventions / 115
Medicine Benefiting Human Beings
—— The Long-Standing Chinese Medicine
1.The Course of Development of Chinese Medicine / 126
2.Ancient Chinese Medical Theories / 130
3.Chinese Doctors of Lasting Fame / 133
Magnificent Architecture
—— A Panorama of Ancient Chinese Architecture
1.Course of Development of Chinese Ancient Architecture / 143
2.Graceful Garden Architectures / 161
3.Lu Ban——the Great Ancient Chinese Artisan / 167
Meticulous Craftsmanship
—— Brilliant Handicraft Art
1.Jade Handicraft / 173
2.Bronze Casting / 178
3.Pottery Craft / 181
4.Stone and Brick Carvings / 186
5.Weaving and Embroidery / 190
6.Braiding Craft / 194
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Sample pages of Highlights of China: Chinese Science and Technology (ISBN:9787212077082)
Highlights of China: Chinese Science and Technology