High Temporal Resolution Functional Imaging

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Table of Contents
1 Introduction
1.1 Comparison between the MRI and others
1.2 Overview of the book
2 Nuclear magnetic resonance and magnetic resonance Imaging
2.1 NMR
2.1.1 Introduction
2.1.2 Nuclei and levels
2.1.3 Spins in magnetic field
2.1.4 Bohzmann statistics
2.1.5 Rotating Lame
2.1.6 Relaxation
2.1.7 Bloch equation
2.1.8 Chemical shift
2.2 MRI
2.2.1 Introduction
2.2.2 Gradients
2.2.3 Slice selection
2.2.4 Spatial encoding
2.2.5 k—space
2.2.6 Gradient echo imaging
2.2.7 Spin echo imaging
2.2.8 Echo planar imaging
2.2.9 Turbo spin echo imaging
2.2.10 GRASE
2.2.11 Parallel imaging
2.2.12 Simulation of matrix inversion
2.3 Hardware
2.3.2 Main magnet
2.3.3 Shim coils
2.3.4 Gradient coils
2.3.5 RF system
3 Functional magnetic resonance imaging
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Cerebral cortex
3.2.1 Somatosensory cortex
3.2.2 Motor cortex
3.2.3 Visual cortex
3.3 BOLD contrast
3.4 fMRI data acquisition
3.5 Paradigm
3.6 Data analysis
3.6.1 Pre—processing
3.6.2 Statistical analysis
3.7 Cortical flattening
3.8 Resting state
3.9 Perfusion imaging
3.10 Conclusion Bibliography
4 A comparison of resting state functional connectivity using fast imaging:2 D GE—EPI,3D GE—EPI and 3D PRESTO
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 Brain networks
4.1.2 Defauit mode network(DMN)
4.1.3 Sensorimotor network
4.1.4 Visual network
4.1.5 Dorsal attention network
4.2 Overview of fast imaging sequences
4.2.1 Echo planar imaging
4.2.2 PRESTO
4.3 Methods
4.3.1 Data acquisition
4.3.2 Data analysis
4.4 Resuhs
4.4.1 No physiological noise correction
4.4.2 Post physiological correction
4.5 Discussion
4.6 Conclusion Bibliography
5 Implementation and application of multiband echo planar imaging in conjunction with SENSE
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Muhiband imaging
5.2.1 Introduction
5.2.2 Muhiband RF Dulses
5.2.3 Optimization
5.2.4 Reconstruction
5.3 Implementation
5.4 Applications
5.4.1 Resting state fMRI
5.4.2 Somatotopic mapping of both primary and secondary somatosensory cortex
5.4.3 Muhiband DABS ASL
5.5 Conclusion Bibliography
6 Orientation mapping at ultra——high field
6.1 Visual codex
6.2 Retinotopic organization
6.3 Orientation column organization
6.4 Introduction to the study
6.5 Methods
6.5.1 Stimuli and paradigm
6.5.2 fMRI data acquisition
6.5.3 Pre—processing
6.5.4 Data analysis
6.6 Results
6.7 Discussion
6.8 Conclusion
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Sample pages of High Temporal Resolution Functional Imaging (ISBN:9787309122060)

phase encoding value yielding a different k—space line.Here a few features of the TSE sequence will be described.Firstly,there are two gradients with opposite polarities applied between two adjacent 180°pulses,the first is the phase—encoding gradient which encodes in the direction.After each echo has been sampled,the “rewinder gradient”is applied to ensure that the encoding applied to one echo does not interfere with any subsequent echoes.The second feature is the crusher gradients applied on either side of the 180°pulse in the slice select direction(not shown in the figure)to destroy any transverse magnetization generated by the refocusing pulses.
As with all MRI pulse sequences,TSE has advantages and disadvantages.The most obvious advantage is that images can be acquired faster depending on what turbo factor used,and a second advantage is that spin—echo sequences are 1ess affected by the magnetic field inhomogeneities,and the echo train is weighted rather than weighted.However,the signal—to—noise ratio is decreased.and blurring increases in the phase—encoding direction;also,the maximum number of echos that can be produced is limited by the time decav.
High Temporal Resolution Functional Imaging