List of FiRures
List of Tables
1.1 Background
1.2 Empirical Models
1.2.1 CriticaI Steel Corrosion at Sufface Cracking
1.2.2 Crack Width at the Concrete Surface
1.2.3 Discussion on the Empi rical Models
1.3 AnalyticaI Models
1.3.1 Three—Stage Corrosion—Induced Cracking Model
1.3.2 Corrosion Products Filling Stage
1.3.3 Concrete Cover Stressing and Cracking
1.3.4 Rust Filling in Corrosion—Induced Cracks
1.4 Contents of This Book
2.SteeI Corrosion in Concrete
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Mechanisms of Steel Corrosion in Concrete
2.2.1 Corrosion Process
2.2.2 Corrosion Rate
2.2.3 Passivation
2.3 SteeI Corrosion Induced bv Carbonation or Chloride Attack
2.3.1 Carbonation.Induced Corrosion
2.3.2 Chloride.Induced Corrosion
2.4 Corrosion Products
2.5 SteeI Corrosion.Induced Concrete Damage
2.6 Conclusions
3.The Expans.ion Coefficients and Modulus of Steel
Corrosion Products
3.1 Introduct
3 .2 Expansion Coefficient of SteeI Corrosion products
3.2.1 Experi mental Program
3.2.2 Tested Results
3.2.3 Composition of Rust Samples
3.2.4 Expansion Coefficient of Rust Saimnple
3 .3 Modulus of Steel Corrosion Products in Concrete
3.3.1ExperimentaL program
3.3.2 Loading and Unloading Stress—Strain Curve
3.3.3 Tested Data of Cyclic Low.Compression Test
3.3.3 Tesed Data of Cyclic—Low—Compression Test
3.3.4 Modulus of Rust
3.4 Conclusions
4.Damage Analysis and Cracking Nodel of Reinforced Concrete Structures with Rebar Corrosion
4.1 Introduction
4 .2 Basic Concrete Cracking Model Due to steel
4.3 Noncracking Stage of Corrosion—induced Concrete
Cracking Process
4.4 Partial Crackling Stage of Corrosion—Induced Concrete
Cracking Process
4.4.1 Intact Part
4.4.2 Cracked Part
4.5 Corrosion—Induced Expansive Pressure
4.5.1 Relation Between Expansive Pressure
and SteeI Corrosion
4.5.2 Variation of Expansive Pressure
4.5.3 Effect of Concrete Cover Thickness
4.5.4 Effect of Steel Bar Diameter
45.5 Effect of Concrete Quality
4.6 Discussion on the Radial Loss of SteeI Bar .
4.6.1 Steel Loss Varying with the Crack Length
4.6.2 Effect of Concrete Cover Thickness
4.6.3 Effect of Steel Bar Diameter
4.6.4 Effect of Rust Expansion Coefficient
4.6.5 Effect of Concrete Quality
4.7 Conclusions
5.MilI Scale and Corrosion Layer at Concrete
Surface Cracking
5.1 I ntroduct.ion
5.2 Experimental Program
5.2.1 Reinforced Concrete Specimens
5.2.2 Accelerated SteeI Corrosion
5.2.3 Sample Preparation
5.2.4 Observation and Measurement
5.3 Rust Distributions in the Cracking Sample
5.4 MilI Scale
5.5 Corrosion Layer Thickness at Surface Cracking of Concrete Cover
5.5.1 At Outer Surface Cracking
5.5.2 At Inner Surface Cracking
5.6 Conclusions References
6.Rust Distribution in Corrosion.Induced Cracking
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Experimental Program
6.2.1 Reinforced Concrete Specimen
6.2.2 Cu ring and Exposure History
6.2.3 Sample Preparation
6.2.4 Observation and Measurements
6.3 Rust Distributions at the Steel—Concrete Interfaces
6.4 Distribution of the Corrosion Products—Filled Paste
6.5 Rust Distribution in Corrosion.Induced Cracks
6.5.1 Rust Distribution in Cracks by Digital Microscope
6.5.2 Rust Filling jn Cracks by SEM
6.5.3 Discussion of Rust F
6.6 Rust Development in Concrete Cracks
6.7 Conclusions
7.Nonuniform Distribution of Rust Layer Around
SteeI Bar in Concrete
7.1 Introduction
7.2 SteeI Corrosion and Corrosion.Induced Cracks
7.3 Gaussian Model to Describe the Nonuniform
Rust Layer
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With these parameters of steel corrosion, in chapter “Damage Analysis and Cracking Model of Reinforced Concrete Structures with Rebar Corrosion”the damage mechanics and elastic mechanics are utilized to study the stresses and strains in the surrounding concrete during the corrosion— induced cracking process and the amount of steel corrosion at the cracking of the concrete cover by taking into account the mechanical properties of both uncracked and cracked concrete, as well as the rust products.
In chapter “Critical Thickness of Rust Layer at Concrete Surface Cracking,” the electrochemically corroded reinforced concrete specimens are observed by a digital microscope and a scanning electron microscope (SEM) to study the critical thickness of the corrosion layer at concrete surface cracking and the rust distributed at the steel—concrete interface and in corrosion—induced cracks.
A reinforced concrete specimen subjected to wetting—drying cycles was investigated in chapter "Rust Distribution in Corrosion—Induced Cracking Concrete." The rust distribution was observed by digital microscopy and SEM.niis chapter confirms the finding in chapter "Critical Thickness of Rust Layer at Concrete Surface Cracking" that the rust did not fill the corrosion—induced cracks in the concrete cover before concrete surface crack— ing.Thus, the rust filling the corrosion—induced cracks does not need to be considered in the corrosion—induced concrete surface cracking model.