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Upon inheriting the traditional style of ancient buildings, the curvedroof south of the Yangtze has been simplified according to the practicalcondition and needs. The prominent feature of the roof is its function be-sides the universal spirit inherited from the ancients.
Among the folk houses, the roofings of the ordinary people are builtin straight slopes, but those of the nobles are built in inverted-universeroofs which are formed by adopting the raising-of-truss method. The alti-tude difference of the adjacent ridge-poles is calculated by the length ofthe supporting rack times numbers of the supporting poles. This makes theroof form an "A-shaped' slope for the good drainage and for the immobil-ity of the roof which is securely clasped by the pressure of the roof tiles.Just like the curved palm, the inverted-universe roofs can make the roofobtain the tensile force which equals the inherent stress in reinforced con-crete to strengthen the rigidity of the whole roof truss. This kind of roof isalso good for wind resistance because the wind will glide away along thecurved surface to reduce the pressure.
When the famous Chinese esthetician Professor ZONG Baihua de-scribed the beauty of the colourful collocations and the golden decorationsin his
"Aesthetics Causerie", he took the poems written by the two fa-mous literati XIE Lingyun and YAN Yanzhi of the Southern Song Dy-nasty as examples. He said that XIE' S poems were natural and lovely justlike the budding lotus, and YAN' s poems were noble and elegant just likethe unfolded colourful samite. XIE's poems were like the bathing beau-ties and YAN' s poems were like the elegant colourful samite. They typifythe two esthetic sentiments in the history of aesthetics of China. TheChu-verses of the Warring States Period, the poetic essays of the Hart Dy-nasty, the porcelain wares of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the modemembroideries, and the costumes of Beijing Opera belong to the colourfuland elegant beauty. The bronze wares of the Han Dynasty, the calligraphyof WANG Xizhi, the paintings of GU Kaizhi, the ceramic whitewares ofthe Song Dynasty belong to the lovely and natural beauty.