Weiwu House In South Jiangxi

Price: $19.50 $13.71 (Save $5.79)
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Table of Contents
I. Castles Everywhere, Turreted Towers Everywhere
II. Austere Appearances, Solid Structures
Ill. Wars, Wars, Bloody Walls
IV. Funerary Rites for Honoring the Dead, for the Benefit of Posterity
V. Fort is Home, Patriarch Rules
VI. Limited Space, Unlimited Emotion
VII. Castle Silhouette, Tulou Essence
VIII. Ya nyi-wei, Yangcun
IX. Dongsheng-wei, Zhengang
X. New-wei, Guanxi
A Table of Typical Castellated Homes in Gannan
Weiwu House In South Jiangxi