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The period of the Qin Dynasty andHan Dynasty (221 B.C.-220 A.D.) is animportant developmental stage in Chinesepottery's history. Although argillaceousgray pottery was the dominated type ofpottery at that time, the use of potteryextended to other areas. Funeral objectslike pottery figurines, pottery warriors,pottery maids, and other potteryproducts which reflected people's lifeand happiness prevailed. These potteriesprove the high artistic achievement ofthose days with perfect artistic form andvivid appearance, like the Terra CottaWarriors and Horses unearthed near theQin Tomb (mausoleum of the first Qinemperor). These thousands of potterywarriors with large scale and greatquantity vividly register the real featuresof brave soldiers of the Qin Dynasty (221B.C.-206 B.C.). Due to Qin Shi Huang'sinterest in building new palaces and thedevelopment of the architectural art inthe Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-220 A.D.),pottery was widely used in constructionin this period of time. The most uniquetypes of pottery are portrait brick andeaves tiles carved with various patterns,collectively known as Bricks.