Travel in Chinese 1 (With 2 DVDs)

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Travel in Chinese integrates linguistic functions into real-life scenes and, with audio teaching aids, emphasises listening and speaking skills.

Travel ln Chinese is perfect for learners of Chinese at elementary and intermediate levels, and for people who are interest in Chinese culture and customs to study the language on their own.

This series Includes:
Five textbooks
Two gift DVDs for each textbook

The features of this series:
It provides a panoramic view of real-life scenes in China, with language progressing from the very basic usages to more sophisticated communications.
The DVD programme takes you on a visual trip to more than 20 picturesque tourist spots and historic sites in nine provinces in China.
Detailed English instructions provide friendly and encouraging assistance for beginners and self-learners.
Rich cultural knowlege and background information blend with authentic and interesting daily Chinese expressions.

About the programme:
The TV programme Travel in Chinese was shot on actual sites by China Central TV the national TV network and apromise of high quality.
The programme becomes so popular among learners at home and abroad that it has been rebroadcast several times since first airing.
It is hosted by Mark Rowswell (Dashan), an anchorman best known in China for his humorous and accurate style.
Table of Contents
第1课 在飞机场
第2课 丢行李
第3课 乘出租车
第4课 丢包
第5课 入住
第6课 在房间
第7课 打电话
第8课 换线
第9课 发传真
第10课 理发
第11课 洗衣服务
第12课 投诉
第13课 运动健身
第14课 去游泳
第15课 准备离开
第16课 退房
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Sample pages of Travel in Chinese 1 (With 2 DVDs) (ISBN:9787560074962)

Sample pages of Travel in Chinese 1 (With 2 DVDs) (ISBN:9787560074962)
Travel in Chinese 1 (With 2 DVDs)