Hiking Around Beijing (Update 2010)

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Hiking Around Beijing (update 2010) has been compiled under the auspices of the Beijing Hikers, based on a pioneering work done by some of the club's members which appeared in 2003. Much has changed since then, not only in China's capital city but also in the surrounding countryside. Roads and transportation have improved tremendously, and hiking trails have been cleared. Some onceremote but breathtaking spots are now within one-day's journey from Beijing. Moreover, accommodation and basic restaurant services are nowadays widely available where once they were non-existent. These improvements have been largely incorporated in the present volume, together with some new routes which the Beijing Hikers have explored since the first edition.
This book contains a total of 27 hikers, with explanations of how to reach and follow them. It is in a format easily carried in a pocket or rucksack, and it is hoped that it will assist as many people as possible to discover for themselves the great outdoors that lie upon Beijing's doorstep.

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Sample pages of Hiking Around Beijing (Update 2010) (ISBN:9787119066417)
Sample pages of Hiking Around Beijing (Update 2010) (ISBN:9787119066417)
This book is an updated version of a pioneering work titled, Hik-ing Around Beijing, which was published in 2003 and contains theBeijing Hikers' most popular hikes, The former book was inspiredby four friends —— Laure Fuller. Huilin Pinnegar, Seema Bennettand Nicky Mason. Realizing that there was a wonderful world ofrugged mountains and valleys, waterfalls and temples within anhour or so's drive of the Chinese capital, they set out to explore.They had the invaluable assistance of Huilin's husband, Gary, anenthusiastic hiker himself.There were not many maps of the areas outside Beijing availablein those days, but one that Gary spotted showed —— apart fromthe usual symbols —— dotted lines meandering through empty ar-eas and joining villages. He guessed, quite rightly, that these wereancient paths used by the villagers for communication, wood cut-ting and reaching hillside fields. These paths became the founda-tion for most of the hikes in this book.

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Hiking Around Beijing (Update 2010)