Chapter XXI
The content of great virtue
conforms to the divine law.
The divine law is something
which seems to be and not to be.
What seems to exist and does not exist?
It is the image.
What seems not to exist but exists?
It is the image of something.
What seems deep and dark?
It is the essence.
The essence is very true,
for we believe in it.
From ancient times to present day
its name cannot be erased
so that we know the fathers of all things.
How can I know
what these fathers look like?
By means of this.
Chapter XXII
Stooping, you will be preserved.
Wronged, you will be righted.
Hollow, you will be filled.
Worn out, you will be renewed.
Having little, you may gain;
having much, you may be at a loss.
So the sage holds on to one to be the model for the world.
He does not show himself,
so he is seen everywhere.
He does not assert himself,
so he is well-known.
He does not boast,
so he wins success.
He is not proud,
so he can lead.
As he contends for nothing,
none in the world could contend with him.
Is it not true for the ancients to say,
“Stooping, you will be preserved”?
It is indeed the whole truth to which lead all the ways.
Li Er, the Old Master (571–500 BC), twenty years older than Confucius(551–479 BC), was a great philosopher of ancient China. His Laws Divine and Human of 5,000 words in 81 chapters is an influential philosophical work in the world. This book has many English translations. So far I have read four different versions, namely, The Way and Its Power by Arthur Waley Published in 1934, Lao Zi the Book of Tao and Teh published by Peking University Press in 1995, Tao Te Ching published by Liaoning University Press in 1996, and the Classic of the Dao, A New Investigation published by Foreign Languages Press in 1998. All these versions are literal translations, and the key word is phonetically transcribed as “tao” or “dao”, except for Waley who translates it as “the way”. This cannot be easily understood by the modern reader. In reality, the key word means law, divine law, natural law or truth. In the very beginning of the first chapter of his book, Lao Zi says: “The divine law may be spoken of, but it is not the common law.” By common law Lao Zi means those enforced by human beings. So we may see the difference between divine and human laws. The divine law is objective truth which does not depend on human will for its existence, while human laws do. The former may be called natural philosophy, while the latter social philosophy. The former will not change when the latter does. That is the reason why the Old Master says that the divine law is not the common law. Based on such interpretation, I have translated the Old Master’s Laws Divine and Human as I understand it, so that it may be easily understood by the modern reader.
What is the divine law? The Od Master says in Chapter 4 that the divine law is formless, its use is inexhaustible; it is endless, whence come all things. That is to say, the divine law is abstract, empty and formless, but it can be embodied in concrete things, so its use is inexhaustible like an unfulfillable abyss, for it is deep, bottomless, endless, boundless, whence come all concrete things. Thus we see the divine law inwardly and outwardly.
In Chapter 37 the Old Master says that the divine law will not interfere, so there is nothing it cannot do. Non-interference is an important principle of the Old Master’s philosophy. Only when the law does not interfere can all things develop freely. So the law should always be inactive so as to let all things be active. The activity of all things is the result of the law’s inaction or non-interference. The law’s inaction provides the condition for the activity of all things. When we say there is nothing the law cannot do, we mean that the activity of all things are the embodiment of the divine law. In Chapter 2 the Old Master says more concretely, “Therefore the sage does everything without interference, teaches everyone without persuasion, and lets everything begin uninitiated and grow unpossessed. Everything is done without being his deed, and succeeds without being his success.” And the Old Master sums up in Chapter 57: “Therefore the sage says, ‘If I do nothing wrong, the people will go the right way.’” Thus we see “to rule by inaction or non-interference” is an important principle of the Old Master’s political philosophy.
As a result of inaction, the Old Master advocates non-contention. In Chapter 8 he says, “The highest good (virtue) is like water. Water benefits everything by giving without taking or contending. It likes the low place others dislike, so it follows closely the divine law.” Here virtue is compared to water which flows to a low place without contending for a high position. Thus the virtue of non-contention conforms to the divine law. In Chapter 22 the Old Master says, “He who does not show himself is seen everywhere. He who does not assert himself is well-known. He who does not boast wins success. He who is not proud can lead. As he contends for nothing, none in the world could contend with him.” This further illustrates his principle of non-contention or his economis philosophy. If nobody should contend for personal gain or selfish profit, then there would be a lasting peace in the world.
How can the principle of non-contention be carried out? The Old Master puts forward the rules to be observed in Chapter 19: “Be simple and plain, selfless and desireless.” If you can control or subdue your desire, of course you will not contend for personal profit. That is the reason why the Old Master says in Chapter 1, “So we should be free from desires in order to understand the internal mystery of the divine law, and we should have desires in order to observe the external manifestaions.” Only when you understand
《老子》第三十七章说: “ 道常无为, 而无不为。”“无为”不是无所作为,而是不干涉万物的作为,让万物自由发展的意思。所以“道”常无为而万物有为。万物有为是道无为的结果,道无为是万物有为的条件。说“道”无不为,是说万物的作为都是“道”的体现:“道”是抽象的,万物是具体的,万物的所作所为都是“道”的具体化。这是老子重要的哲学思想。第二章中说得更加具体:“是以圣人处无为之事,行不言之教。万物作而弗始也,为而弗恃也,成功而弗居也。”这就是说,圣人做事,从不干涉别人;他不说话,却能教育别人。万物不用圣人启动,自然会有所作为;万物生长发展,并不属于圣人所有;万物有所作为,圣人并不居功。所以第五十七章总结说:“是以圣人之言曰:我无为而民自化。”这就是说:只要圣人不犯错误,不横加干涉,人民自然会走上正确的道路。无为而治,是老子重要的政治思想。