Sabriye and Her School for Blind Children in Tibet

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Table of Contents
She in darkness brings light to Tibetan blind children 
The School for Blind Children 
Open up a new chapter for Tibetan blind people's cause 
The Campus, the Fairyland 
Here is the paradise for the blind children 
The Teacher, "Papa" and "Mama" 
Nurturing with painstaking care the wing-broken angels 
Loving and Caring Bring Hopes to the Blind Children 
Messages with Love 
Tidbits of Loving and Caring 
Faces of Sunshine
Sample Pages Preview

Sample pages of Sabriye and Her School for Blind Children in Tibet (ISBN:9787508521329) 

Sample pages of Sabriye and Her School for Blind Children in Tibet (ISBN:9787508521329) 
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