Illustrated History of Chinese Science & Technology: The Story of Construction

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Table of Contents
中国古都城的营造智慧 Wisdom of ancient capitals
屋顶泄露的等级秘密 Social class shown from the roof
围观古人的花式砌墙法Fancy ancient walls
斗,中国古代建筑的灵魂Dougong, soul of Chinese architecture
画龙点睛的门和窗Eye-catching doors and windows
建筑彩画,五彩斑斓Colorful paintings on architectures
寺和塔,交相辉映的佛教建筑Buddhist temples and their pagodas
园林,虽由人作,宛自天开Naturalistic gardens created by man
大家住的房子竟如此不同Diversified residential buildings
你见过多少种不一样的桥?A dazzling array of bridges
这个建筑,历代皇帝都在修A project for every emperor
Illustrated History of Chinese Science & Technology: The Story of Construction