Developing Chinese (2nd Edition) Advanced Reading Course II

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Usage Advice: 2 class hours for each of the 15 lessons

Level: Advanced

Developing Chinese (2nd Edition) is a set of nationally planned textbook for higher education during the “Eleventh Five-Year”. Based on the well-designed structure of the first edition, this edition adds more elements in tune with the times. It includes 28 volumes with altogether 34 books.
Combining the cultivation of integrated language skills with the training of specific language skills in its compilation, this set of textbooks can be divided into three levels (elementary, intermediate and advanced) and five series (comprehensive, listening, speaking, reading and writing), among which the comprehensive series is the bulk and the others are the accompanying series. The overall purpose is to develop and improve the students’ Chinese language skills, Chinese communication skills, integrated Chinese capabilities as well as enhance their interest and ability in learning Chinese.
The Advanced Reading Course (Ⅱ), following Advanced Reading Course (Ⅰ), is suitable for learners who have finished learning the Advanced Reading Course (Ⅰ) or other textbooks at the same level and who have acquired high Chinese proficiency and mastered a vocabulary of 3,500-4,000 common words. This volume emphasizes the up-to-dateness and practicality of the language materials and pays attention to the teaching of knowledge about reading as well as the cultivation of multiple reading skills. With its written (in the broad sense) materials diverse in subjects and practical in content, it can totally improve learners’ reading comprehension in general and the comprehension of paragraphs and discourses in particular.

About the Author
Teachers in Renmin University of China
Table of Contents
1 文章一 给你点儿颜色看看
文章二 人肉搜索
文章三 职称外语考试何去何从
文章四 寻找孩子说谎的原因
实用阅读 一张购物小票

2 文章一 喝啤酒的学问
文章二 导盲犬
文章三 一切反动派都是纸老虎
文章四 我的爱车我的房
实用阅读 一卡在手,走遍北京

3 文章一 北京传媒公信力调查
文章二 一代名导张艺谋
文章三 雷锋精神
文章四 让座
实用阅读 银行开户与挂失

4 文章一 春节,我要回家
文章二 狼的生活
文章三 邓小平南巡讲话
文章四 中国的自然灾害
实用阅读 图书版权页

5 文章一 倡议书
文章二 中国的留学政策
文章三 第八次试飞
文章四 太空垃圾
实用阅读 餐馆优惠券

6 文章一 普通话和方言
文章二 都江堰
文章三 不要把灯泡放进口中
文章四 北京大学生收视状况调查
实用阅读 北京西站信息牌

7 文章一 超强生存者
文章二 成功之路一一个瓶盖有多少个齿
文章三 火红的青春——从城市到农村
文章四 一品黄山,天下无山
实用阅读 杂志目录

8 复习
文章一 烟,一根都不要碰
文章二 白蛇传
文章三 杂交水稻之父——袁隆平
文章四 《现代汉语词典》(第5版)说明
文章五 中国的独生子女问题
实用阅读 (一)首都机场3号航站楼信息牌

9 文章一 没有调查就没有发言权
文章二 UFO为何层出不穷
文章三 老鼠爱上猫
文章四 兄弟搬家公司

10 文章一 汉字的演变
文章二 贺岁片
文章三 赠人玫瑰,手有余香
文章四 产品保修说明书
实用阅读 北京市公共场所禁止吸烟范围若干规定

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Sample pages of Developing Chinese (2nd Edition) Advanced Reading Course II (ISBN:9787561930847)

Sample pages of Developing Chinese (2nd Edition) Advanced Reading Course II (ISBN:9787561930847)

Developing Chinese (2nd Edition) Advanced Reading Course II