Aimed to systematically, comprehensively and vividly introduce the knowledge of traditional Chinese culture, the Chinese Red Series adopt a Chinese-and-English, text-and-picture comparative way to conduct an excavation and review of Chinese culture, intensifying the sense of history and the richness of knowledge, which not only disseminate and popularize traditional Chinese culture, but also analyze the features of traditional Chinese culture through multi-angles and multi-layers. The Series have a rich and practical content, being concise and easy for understanding with exquisite photos of authentic objects and drawings. The text-and-picture design contributes to easy reading and is convenient for readers to gain a better knowledge of Chinese culture. The Chinese nation adores wood. Since ancient times, wood has been an indispensable raw material in the life of Chinese people. From wooden building and wooden furniture to various other kinds of woodenware, wood has been closely linked with Chinese people’s daily life. Chinese people’s love of wood mainly stems from its natural origin, which gives natural beauty and quality to its color, grain, and texture. Chinese people not only use wood, love wood, but have also imprinted on woodwork profound cultural charm. Finely ground and precisely carved, the wooden artwork records every detail of the thousand-year-old Chinese culture and history. In form of tasteful wooden furniture, majestic or exquisite wooden buildings, or woodwork of various kinds, they bear witness to the wisdom of Chinese people as well as the time-honored culture of the Chinese nation. With elegant pictures and essays, this book introduces the wooden buildings, wooden furniture, as well as art and culture of Chinese woodcarvings. It will surely take readers closer to the understanding of wood, wood culture of China, and even China as a whole.
Table of Contents
百家争鸣 Contention of the Hundred Schools of Thought 诸子百家形成的背景 Historical Background of the Hundred Schools of Thought 诸子百家的影响 The Influence of the Hundred Schools of Thought 诸子百家略论 Brief Review of the Hundred Schools of Thought 儒家 Confucianism 道家 Daoism 法家 Legalism 墨家 Mohism 阴阳家 The School of Yin and Yang 名家 The School of Names 杂家 The Miscellaneous School 农家 The School of Agriculture 纵横家 The School of Diplomacy 兵家 Military Strategists 医家 The School of Medicine