创世神话 Mythologies About the Origin of Man and Universe 盘古开天辟地 Pan Gu Divided Heaven and Earth 女娲造人补天 Nv Wa Created Man and Mended Heaver 伏羲创八卦 Fu Xi Who Created Eight Diagrams 英雄传奇 Legends About Heroes 神农尝百草 Shen Nong Who Tried Medical Herbs 炎黄子孙的由来 The Origin of Chinese Nation (Yan Huang Zi Sun) 舜帝与二妃 Ruler Shun and His Two Concubines 大禹治水 Da Yu Subdued Floods 夸父逐日 Kua Fu Who Chased the Sun 愚公移山 Foolish Old Man Who Removed Mountains 精卫填海 Jing Wei Who Filled up the Sea 后羿射日 Hou Yi Shooting the Sun 民间传说 Folk Stories 八仙过海 The Eight Immortals 哪吒闹海 Ne Zha Raises Havoc in the Sea 劈山救母 Cleaving the Mountain to Rescue Mother 吹箫引凤 Playing Xiao to Attract Phoenix 孟姜女寻夫 Meng Jiangnv Who Looked for Her Husband 杜鹃啼血 The Cuckoo That Cried Until It Bled 牛郎织女 The Cowherd and the Girl Weaver 梁祝化蝶 Transforming into Butterffies 木兰从军 Mulan 钱王射潮 King Qian Shooting the God of Tides 钟馗捉鬼 Ghost Buster Zhong Kui 月下老人 Old Matchmaker in Moonlight 白蛇传 Storv of the Vvhite Snake