World Crop Garden

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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Origin of agriculture in the Middle East and its role
1.1 Background
1.2 Agriculture origin in the Middle East and its role
1.3 Challenges and perspectives
1.4 Discussion
Chapter 2 Origin of Agriculture in the South Asia and its Role
2.1 Overview of South Asia
2.1.1 Countries, land area and population
2.1.2 Climate
2.1.3 Agriculture
2.2 History of plant and animal agriculture
2.3 Origin of Agricultural Species in South Asia
2.3.1 Origin of plant species
2.3.2 Origin of animal species in South Asia
2.3.3 Details of ancient species and nowadays species
2.3.4 The roles of original and introduced species in South Asia
2.4 Challenges and perspectives
2.4.1 Climate change
2.5 Conclusion
Chapter 3 Origin of agriculture in Africa and its role
3.1 Background
3.2 Origin of agricultural species in Africa and their roles
3.2.1 Origin of agricultural species in Africa
3.2.2 Role of agriculture in Africa
3.3 Challenges and perspectives
3.3.1 Climate changes
3.3.2 Some of underutilized crops can help Africa
3.3.3 The respective of agriculture in Africa
3.4 Conclusion
Chapter 4 Origin of agriculture in China, Southeast Asia and its role
4.1 Background
4.2 Origin of agriculture in China and Southeast Asia
4.2.1 Agriculture origin in China
4.2.2 Agriculture origin in Southeast Asia
4.3 The role of agriculture in China and Southeast Asia
4.3.1 The role of agriculture in China
4.3.2 The role of agriculture in Southeast Asia
4.4 Challenges and perspectives in Southeast Asia and China
4.5 Conclusion
Chapter 5 Origin of agriculture in Oceania and its role
5.1 Background
5.1.1 Overview of Oceania
5.1.2 History of Oceania
5.1.3 Climate and agriculture in Oceania
5.2 Origin of agricultural species in Oceania and their roles
5.2.1 Origin of agricultural species in Oceania
5.2.2 The roles of endemic and introduced species in Oceania
5.3 Challenges and perspectives
5.3.1 Challenges - effects of climate change and society change
5.3.2 Opportunities
5.3.3 Underutilization of germplasm in future agriculture development
5.4 Perspective of agriculture development in Oceania
5.5 Conclusions
Chapter 6 Origin of Agriculture in Americas and its role
6.1 History of agriculture
6.2 The origins of civilization
6.2.1 Domestication of plants and animals in global perspective
6.2.2 Climate of America continent
6.2.3 Development of animals in America
6.3 Today America's agriculture
6.3.1 Historical conditions
6.3.2 Major agricultural s
6.3.3 Major crops
6.3.4 USDA's 2017 farm income forecast
6.3.5 Gross cash income highlights
6.3.6 Crop receipts
6.3.7 Livestock receipts
6.3.8 A profile of Latin American agriculture
6.4 What's causing the global food crisis?
6.4.1 Feeding an exploding population
6.4.2 The food gap
6.4.3 Challenges
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World Crop Garden