Why has China achieved success by taking the socialist road

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Table of Contents
Chapter One
The Chinese Road was Historically Inevitable for the Chinese Nation in the Modern Times
Chapter Two
The Chinese Road Is a Thoroughfare Leading to the Success of China's Revolution,Construction and Reform
Chapter Three
The Chinese Road Was Born out of China's Realities in Combination with the Trend of World Development
Chapter Four
The Chinese Road is Consistent in Social Nature
Chapter Five
Majorldeological Trends that Have Impacted the Chinese Road since Modern Times
Chapter Six
The Choice of Roads Facing China before and after the Establishment of the CPC
Chapter Seven
Why Did Marxism Become the Mainstream Thought in China's Ideological and Cultural Domains
Chapter Eight
The New Democratic Revolution Was the Prelude to and Foundation of China's Socialist Construction
Chapter Nine
Why Did the Capitalist Road Loselts Appealin Modern China
Chapter Ten
Road Options Available for the New China before and after Her Founding
Chapter Eleven
From Copying the Soviet Model to Exploring China's Own Road of Socialist Development
Chapter Twelve
Industrialisation Comes First among the "Four Modernisations"
Chapter Thirteen
The All—round Establishment of the Basic Socialist Systems
Chapter Fourteen
The Significance of the Twenty—nine Years before China's Reform and Opening up
Chapter Fifteen
The Negative Impacts on the Chinese Road after 1976
Chapter Sixteen
The Full Connotations of the Chinese Road
Chapter Seventeen
The Objectives of the Chinese Road
Chapter Eighteen
The Soul of the Chinese Road
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2.The Soviet—style Socialist Road
The victory of the October Revolution in 1917 signalled that the Soviet Union would take the socialist road from then onwards. Under the leadership of Lenin and Stalin, the Soviet Union tried the road of socialist construction, established an ideological line and a national system strongly tinged with the colour of nationalist socialism and formed the Soviet Union model in a huge oriental country whose capitalism was underdeveloped, whose peasantry accounted for the major part of her population and whose despotic traditions were strong.
It is generally recognised that the overall feature of the Soviet model was the high concentration of and over—centralisation of power.
In the economic field, national ownership dominated. Agricultural collectivization and extensive industrialisation that aimed at rapid emulation were forcibly carried out from the top down to the bottom.A fully—nationalised, almost—mandatory and highly—centralised planned economic system was created. Power was over—centralised in the system of departmental management and administrative means were overused as methods for managing the economy.
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Why has China achieved success by taking the socialist road