Chapter Ⅰ
Origins and Contexts_ 1
1. The legend of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai_l
2. Origin of the drama _ 4
3. Origin of the story _ 8
4. Three phases of development in plot and characterization _ 12
5. Folktale of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai from Ningbo _ 24
Chapter Ⅱ
Influence of the Drama in China and Overseas _34
1. Influence in China through literary texts and oral tradition _ 34
2. Influence in China through performances _ 39
3. International influence through literary texts and performances _ 58
Chapter Ⅲ
Theatrical Performances of the Legend _ 68
1. A brief history of the theatrical performances of the legend (1919 1985) _ 68
2. Categories of roles _ 71
3. Melody and opera singing design_ 72
4. Facial makeup_ 75
5. Costumes and stage properties _ 76
6. Performing artists _ 79
Chapter Ⅳ
Cultural and Linguistic Background of the Opera _ 81
1. Cultural setting _ 81
2. Language devices in the opera _ 89
Script of the Opera _ 106
Yueju Opera ABC _ 172
Endnotes _ 240
Works Consulted and Cited _ 244
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Yingtai and Shanbo are in deep love, missing each other dearly while they were apart.They would never imagine that this meeting would be their last. After Shanbo goes back home, he becomes sick and soon is dead. Before death,he tells his family to inscribe "Liang Shanbo" in black and "Zhu Yingtai"in red on the headstones. Though they cannot be a married couple in life,they want to be buried together after life.