Simulated Tests of HSK(Revised): HSK[Advanced] with 1CD

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Usage Advice: Used for individual HSK preparation or HSK classes

Level: Advanced, Chinese Teachers (TCSL)

HSK[Advanced] of Simulated Tests of HSK Revised includes five sets of main test paper, oral test paper, writing test paper, and additional materials such as answer keys, sample oral presentations, sample writing, answer sheets, etc. A free MP3 CD with recordings of listen comprehension and oral tests is accompanied.

Simulated Tests of HSK Revised is the first set of tutoring book for HSK Revised, including three levels of Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced. It adapts to the new testing form, with testing items following the sample test paper of HSK Revised, and reference to HSK outlines. It helps the exam candidates and teachers to get a comprehensive understanding of HSK Revised, as well as the structure, testing items, testing difficulty and common grammar points, so that the students can make proper preparation, get intensive training with a short period and achieve satisfactory scores.

About the Author
Xu Canghuo is vice director and assistant professor in the Department of Chinese as a Foreign Language, College of International Education, Nanjing Normal University, member of World Chinese Teaching Committee, and core member of Hanban Children HSK Research and Development Group of Nanjing Normal University. His research focuses on modern Chinese grammar and teaching Chinese as a foreign language. He has hosted two projects of the Ministry of Education of Jiangsu Province, and has published three monographs in teaching Chinese as a foreign language and near 20 papers in journals such as Chinese Study, Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies, etc.
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