Learn Chinese with Me (2nd Edition) Vol 3: Student's Book

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Since being published in 2003 by the People's Education Press, Learn Chinese with Me has been widely used by language students as well as by language instructors. In 2014, with the assistance of the Hanban (Confucius Institute Headquarters), People’s Education Press has produced the second edition of the Learn Chinese with Me series to keep up with the changing times.

1. Throughout the entire revision process, we have attempted to make the series more generalizable to students of Chinese all around the world, as well as more suitable for our target demographic of high school students. While the original edition was mainly directed at students in North America, this edition aims to suit students from many different world regions. Additionally, many teachers advised us that, while the first edition of Learn Chinese with Me was a high school series, the content was more suited to younger students. We have industriously worked to address this tendency in the current edition and make the content more suitable for high school students outside of China.

2. We keep “decreasing content” as our principle of revision. Specifically, to relieve the teaching pressure, we have compressed each volume by about 20%. To decrease the difficulty of the material and better suit the requirements of  both  the  International Curriculum for Chinese Language Education and the HSK, we have adjusted text and added grammar sections. To make the material more interesting, we have designed new classroom activities and group practice assignments. We have also revised and supplemented existing sections, such as the explanation and teaching of pinyin, the teaching of Chinese characters and vocabulary, and the introduction of certain aspects of Chinese culture.

3. We have added a moderate amount of new material and kept our eyes on HSK tests. We have supplemented certain sections to help teachers prepare lessons. As many teachers mentioned that the first edition lacked adequate explanations of grammar patterns, the revised student edition of Learn Chinese with Me includes simple English introductions to new grammar patterns in order to help students understand them more easily. Additionally, the revised teacher’s book once more includes more detailed and developed explanations as well as class preparation materials. We have also increased the length of the content in the teacher’s book. Under the heading “Teaching Suggestions,” we have designed “Teaching Schedules”. In order to better match the format of the HSK, from the first volume’s second unit onward, we have added a practice set of HSK questions in every unit of the teacher’s book. These will help students become familiar with the HSK question format and allow them to review how far they have progressed.
Table of Contents
Unit One Meiyun's Family
1 她从香港来
2 这个城市和香港不一样
3 弟弟的宠物
Unit Summary
Unit Two Leisure Time
4 我也想到中国去
5 我喜欢京剧的脸谱
6 昨晚我只睡了四个小时
Unit Summary
Unit Three Two Generations
7 我很烦
8 我该怎么办
9 望子成龙
Unit Summary
Unit Four Different Cultures
10 婚礼的“颜色”
11 不同的节日,同样的祝贺
12 你更喜欢吃哪一种菜
Unit Summary
Unit Five Diet and Health
13 我把菜谱带来了
14 一次体检
15 妈妈减肥
Unit Summary
Unit Six Environment and Transportation
16 这里的环境太糟糕了
17 喂,您不能在这里停车
18 谁破坏了我们的家
Unit Summary
1 Vocabulary
2 Supplementary Vocabulary
Table of Combinations of Initials and Finals in Putonghua
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Sample pages of Learn Chinese with Me (2nd Edition) Vol 3: Student's Book (ISBN:9787107297021)
Sample pages of Learn Chinese with Me (2nd Edition) Vol 3: Student's Book (ISBN:9787107297021)
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