The Series of 100 Gems of Chinese Architecture: Ancient Chinese Cities

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Table of Contents
Ⅰ. Evolution of the Chinese Urban Form
Ⅱ. Diversification of Urban Functions
Ⅲ. Ritualized Urban System
Ⅳ. Orderly Layout
Ⅴ. Cosmology of Urban Planning
Ⅵ. Changes in Commercial Patterns
Ⅶ. Street Grid
Ⅷ. Fortified Defensive Structures
Ancient Chinese Capitals
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Sample pages of The Series of 100 Gems of Chinese Architecture: Ancient Chinese Cities (ISBN:9787112186006)
Sample pages of The Series of 100 Gems of Chinese Architecture: Ancient Chinese Cities (ISBN:9787112186006)
Sample pages of The Series of 100 Gems of Chinese Architecture: Ancient Chinese Cities (ISBN:9787112186006)
Sample pages of The Series of 100 Gems of Chinese Architecture: Ancient Chinese Cities (ISBN:9787112186006)
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