A fracture needs one hundred days to heal. This is the traditional view of the treatment of fractures. Robert Gones, the father of modern traumatology and orthopedics, said in 1912: "The task of orthopedic surgeons is to select the best method to restore the function of the fractured part. Manipulation or operation is only the beginning of the treatment, the result of which can only be evaluated by function." The current treatments of fractures can be roughly divided into three major categories, i.e., non-operative treatment, operative treatment and limited operative treatment. Each category has its specific indications and is used according to the clinical conditions, equipment, technology and personal experience available. However, the majority of scholars agree that non-operative methods should be applied if operative treatment and non-operative treatment can achieve the same result. This is because an operation usually impairs the blood circulation in a fractured part, hampering the automatic repair capacity in the area, leading to the change of a closed fracture into an open one and bringing about some complications and sequelae. So doctors should try to avoid surgical operations in treating fractures unless they are absolutely necessary.