面脱 emaciated face~为危 重症候。An emaciated face is the sign of a critical condition. 面游风 seborrheic dermatitis治疗~宜用祛风法。Seborrheic dermatitis is dealt with by expelling wind. 面针 facial acupuncture~疗法facial acupuncture therapy/~麻醉facial acupuncture anesthesia 面肿 facial edema~又分 为阳水、阴水两种。Facial edema is divided into two types:yang edema and yin edema. 苗眇MIAO 苗 苗窍 body opening舌为心之~。The tongue is the window of the heart. 眇 眇 soft tissues between the 12th costal cartilage and iliac crest 民MIN 民 民间药方 folk recipe 中国有很多~。There ale many folk recipes in China. 名明鸣瞑命MING 名 名老中医 outstanding senior traditional Chinese practi. tioner许多外国留学生向~学习他们的临床经验。Many foreign students learn the clinical experience from the outstanding senior traditional Chinese practitioners.