China Hotel Industry Study 2012 (for Financial Year 2011)

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Tenth Anniversary, "2012 China Hotel Industry" again to create a new watershed, received the full support of the 719 hotel, study rooms covered a total of about 220,000. This shows that the trade value of statistical achievements fully affirmed. Overview of the decade "hotel business statistics, the ups and downs in China's hotel industry decades to be most vividly demonstrated. Tasting the hotel market in China in 2011, described as mixed. Most of the hotel market continues in the average room revenue growth in 2010; However, the impact of rising operating costs, some of the hotel market, the level of gross operating profit stagnated, or even declined. The first-tier cities and Sanya is still the leading hotel market in China, the prices showing good depth. The five-star hotel's average room rates were more than 900 yuan. It is worth mentioning is struggling in the downturn of the post-Expo Shanghai hotel market is rare by 2011 annual average per room revenue indicators declining market. For second-tier cities, the over-supply still plagued most of the market's healthy development. Despite these market price level of moderate growth, but the new supply influx continued restrained market occupancy enhance. I take this opportunity on behalf of the Association to thank the National Tourism Administration of China Tourist Hotels Association member units, domestic and international hotel management company and the country's 719-star hotel on the "China Hotel Industry" - as in the past support ! I special thanks on behalf of the Association 36 Hotel Management Group Honorary Advisor is dedicated to help! I hope this publication may be able to bring you a rich, wonderful information.

Table of Contents

l Introduction
3 commentary
9 Table 1 the hotel business summary 12011,2010)
11 Table 2 sector revenue and expenditure
17 Table 3 Rooms department
19 Table 4 food and beverage department
21 Table 5 communication / spa and fitness sector
23 Table 6 other departments
25 Table 7 Unallocated operating expenses
27 Table 8 tourists constitute
29 Table 9 dining Statistics
31 Table 10 Personnel Statistics
33 Table 11 Personnel Statistics (continued)
35 Table 12 samples Hotels constitute information
36 Table 13 Room Facilities Information
Tourists the constitute and prices contribution of 37 Figure
38 Figure sample hotel constitutes information
Comparison of the performance indicators of the 39 some cities
The 40 Figure income and expenditure components
The 41 Figure Hotels historical comparison of performance
The 43 Figure hotels performance boom predicted
Appendix I to the China Tourist Hotels Association Introduction
The Appendix II Horwath About
Appendix III Explanation of terms
Appendix IV Hotel performance against the self-test table
Appendix V hotel development / transformation of the ideal process

China Hotel Industry Study 2012 (for Financial Year 2011)