YCT Standard Course 1

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为鼓励汉语非第一语言的中小学生学习汉语,培养、提高他们的汉语能力,自2004年以来,中国国家汉办组织中外汉语教学、语言学、心理学和教育测量学等领域的专家,在充分调查、了解海外中小学实际汉语教学情况的基础上,开发了新中小学生汉语考试(YCT)。 每年参加YCT考试的考生达5万多人次,但尚没有一套完全符合YCT大纲和考试的教材,《YCT标准教程》将填补这一空白。一、编写理念:考教结合。教:紧扣大纲、贴近生活、寓教于乐,考:模拟真题、随学随练。二、适用对象:海外汉语非第一语言的中小学生。此教程为通用型教材,稍微偏重欧美地区。三、教程构成:第一册对应YCT(一级),第二册对应YCT(二级),第三、四册对应YCT(三级),第五、六册对应YCT(四级)。四、每册和每课内容:(1)每册教材共12课,每课后面安排一个模拟测试,题型与真题完全相同。(2)每课内容:关键句、生词、课文、活动和练习、测试页等。

Authorized by Hanban, the YCT Standard Course has been developed under the joint efforts of Higher Education Press and Chinese Testing International (CTI). The target readers are primary and middle school students from overseas who take Chinese as an elective course, and who are going to take the YCT. With the YCT test papers as its primary source, the YCT Standard Course aims to achieve an integrated combination of function and fun, provide a scientific curriculum and effective teaching methods, as well as stimulate students’ multiple intelligence. It is a series of textbooks with a new approach that embodies the idea of “combining testing and teaching”. It is suitable for the Confucius Classrooms in different countries as well as other Chinese teaching institutions and self-taught learners. 
The whole series matches the YCT test, with one volume for each of Levels 1-2 and two volumes for each of Levels 3-4, totaling six volumes. This is Book 1, which covers all the 80 words, 10 grammar items and 9 function items of the YCT level 1. The book has 12 lessons, and the suggested class hours for each lesson are 3~4 hours. Each lesson has a YCT model test page attached, which helps students familiarize themselves with the test and pass the YCT successfully after finishing the book. The book is printed in full colour. The accompanying MP3 files can be downloaded from the website. 

YCT Standard Course (Book 1) is designed for entry level primary school and middle school students. The book has 12 lessons, covering all the 80 words, 10 grammar items and 9 function items of YCT level 1. Lessons 1—11 are teach ing lessons while Lesson 12 is a revision lesson. The suggested class hours for each lesson are 3-4 hours.
Each lesson in Book 1 consists of Key sentences, Let's learn (new words), Let's read (texts), Activities and exercises, Songs, Mini stories and Model test page.

  • Key sentences. Each lesson has 2 key sentences. The sentences are both important function items of the lesson and the clues for the key grammar points.
  • Let's learn (new words). Each lesson has about 10 new words, with no more than 3 words that are not included in the syllabus (all marked with *). Most nouns appear in the form of pictures and are followed with Chinese characters, Pinyin and English translation. The other words are followed with Chinese characters, Pinyin, English translation and collocations or sample sentences.
  • Let's read (texts). Each lesson has 2 texts, with each text containing IQ turns, which mainly come from sentences from previous YCT. Questions after the texts help teachers evaluate if students have fully understood the texts.
  • Activities and exercises. The book has both traditional exercises such as filling in the blank and matching, and interactive activities or games. The alternative activities and exercises help the class achieve a balance between being dynamic and static.
  • Songs. Each lesson contains a song related to the topic. Students can sing and dance at the same time, which helps to develop their multiple intelligence through a variety of stimulations.
  • Mini stories. Each lesson provides an interesting mini story related to the topic. Students can act it out in groups after reading it.
  • Model test page. Each lesson has a YCT model test page attached, which helps students familiarize themselves with the test and pass YCT successfully after finishing the book.
Table of Contents

Lesson 1 你好!Hello!
Lesson 2 你叫什么?What's your name?
Lesson 3 他是谁?Who is he?
Lesson 4 我家有四口人。There are four people in my family.
Lesson 5 我6岁。I'm 6 years old.
Lesson 6 你的个子真高!You're so tall!
Lesson 7 这是谁的狗?Whose dog is this?
Lesson 8 我去商店。I'm going to the store.
Lesson 9 今天星期几?What day is it today?
Lesson 10 现在几点?What time is it?
Lesson 11 你吃什么?What would you like to eat?
Lesson 12 复习Review
课文和小故事翻译Text and Mini Story Translation
测试页听力文本Test Listening Scripts
测试页答案Test Answers
YCT奖状YCT Award

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