The 13th Dalai Lama

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The long historical novel The 13th Dalai Lama——Gyangze Battle of 1904 was writtenin the early 1980s, a period when the Chinese Government had just started to put in placethe reform and opening-up policy. It was published by the China Federation of Literary andArt Publishing Corporation in 1985.

About Author
Gyanpian Gyamco, of the Tibetan ethnic group, was born inBatang County of the Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture ofSichuan Province in 1938. He joined the PLA in 1950 and heworked for the Ethnic Publishing House from 1956 to 1980.Beginning in 1981, he was transferred to work for the EthnicLiterature Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of SocialSciences, engaging exclusively in the research into King Gesar.His works include A Probe Into King Gesar, Biography of KingGesar, Historical Fate of Gesar, Gesar and Tibetan Culture, OnGesar, Approaching Gesar, Galsang Medo, The 13th Dalai Lama,Master Panchen Erdeni, Snowland General Tan Guansan andBiography of Li Jue.
Wu Wei graduated from the Graduate School of the ChineseAcademy of Social Sciences with an MA degree in 1988. Sheengaged in the publishing business as an editor and manager forprolonged period of time.
Table of Contents
Foreword of Second Edition
Buddha of the Land of Snows
The Tent Shrouded in Shadow
A New Star Rises in the Northeast
Qoini Makes a Divination
The New Qing High Commissioner for Tibet
Smoke Rings Signal Deep Emotion
Francis Younghusband's Dream
Fear and Worry
A Flock of Sheep at the Foot of the Mountain
The Lute of a Buddhist Guardian
The Nanyi Monastery Meets With Catastrophe
The Barkor Street Corner
The Silence of Norbu Lingka
Ebullient Lhasa
Mysterious Mongolian Lamas
The Small Monastery on the Mountain
By the Holy Lake
Cheerful Laughter under the Walls of the Ancient Castle
Stranded in Parlha Village
Towering Copper Tower
The God of Fire Shows His Power
A Fearful Place
The Austere Yamun Guarded by Stone Lions
Water Is as Precious as Blood
He Belongs to This Land
The Moment of Truth
Eternal Starlight
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"Yes, Tibet. Because it borders India, it is vital for us to control Tibet."Younghusband drank a mouthful of water and continued, "But we are not in a positionyet to control Tibet. We have signed treaties with the Chinese Government, butthe local government of Tibet refuses to recognize them, or accept the obligationsstipulated in the treaties. They opened Yadong as a commercial port but only in thenarrowest sense. Of course this is insufficient for our needs. Still, we gained a loteven from the restricted opening ofYadong. The price of sheep and goats in Tibet isone third of the price in India, and the price of leather is only one tenth of the pricein India. The Russians too are not ignorant of these potential benefits. They havemade us an offer: as long as we allow them some concessions in Tibet, they wouldnot oppose our interests in Egypt. In this way, Tibet has become a vitally importantbargaining chip in the Great diplomatic Game between us and the Russians. Doyou understand? Only if we truly have total control over Tibet, can we fully utilizethis bargaining chip and advance our interests in places like Egypt, Persia andAfghanistan."

The long historical novel The 13th Dalai Lama——Gyangze Battle of 1904 was writtenin the early 1980s, a period when the Chinese Government had just started to put in placethe reform and opening-up policy. It was published by the China Federation of Literary andArt Publishing Corporation in 1985. It was republished by the Writers Publishing House,at which time it struck a definite chord with many readers. Consequently, this book wasrepublished a number of times over the years, and was always in great demand. However,some readers reported that they had some difficulty in understanding this historicalnovel because they did not have a good knowledge of the history of the Tibetan people'sstruggle to resist aggression and defend their country in modern times. Readers werelargely unacquainted with the historical background of the novel and were unaware of thesignificance and profound influence of the struggle. Many readers expressed the hope thatthe writers could provide a brief synopsis of the relevant historical background of the novelso as to allow the reader to better understand the book and learn more about this period ofhistory.
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