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This is the first thing he wants to do. A more important and burning issueis that he wants the government to develop year-round maintenance for theYumai Highway so that traffic can flow all the time and Yumai won't be an"isolated island" anymore.
"This is also important for national defense," Dawa says seriously. Hebelieves that clear roads can help solidify frontier defense, ship local productsto the outside world and bring more benefits to the locals.
Dawa's aspiration is echoed by his fellow villagers. Qunzong's grocerystore is only one wall away from Daquzong's. Fifty meters away, ZhuomaLazong and her husband Pema are building a new store and hotel, which willbe finished very soon.
Qunzong and Daquzong feel little pressure these days. The new shop andhotel may compromise their business. Zhuoma Lazong on the other hand,doesn't want to affect her sister's business either. But this is life. Modernbusiness and culture are emerging in this remote village and the tranquility ofYumai is being affected.
But for people of Yumai, no matter how much livestock they have, nomatter how they run the restaurant, shop or hotel, they are expecting awonderful life, not a wealthy one.
Tashi Deji, granddaughter of Tsering Cuomu is the first student admittedinto a Tibetan middle school in Yumai. Her grandmother is filled with thesense of achievement. From initial maladjustment, to today's hard study andphone calls to her grandparents, Tashi Deii has been mainstreamed intourban life. "Her life and study are good;' Tsering Cuomu smiles happily.
Tsering Cuomu hopes Tashi Deji can come back to Yumai, or work inQusum after graduation, "This is my personal idea. I don't know her plan."