1 Introduction . 1
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Recent Research . 2
1.2.1 Analytical Studies 2
1.2.2 Experimental Studies . 5
1.2.3 Standards and Codes . 7
1.3 Objectives and Organization of This Book . 9
References . 10
2 Steel Plate Shear Walls with Considering the Gravity Load
by the EffectiveWidth Model . 15
2.1 Introduction . 15
2.2 The Gravity Load Effect on the Shear Strength of the Steel
Plate Shear Walls . 17
2.2.1 Numerical Model 17
2.2.2 Verifications Under Monotonic Tests 19
2.2.3 Verifications Under Cyclic Tests . 20
2.2.4 Pushover Analysis Results . 24
2.2.5 Cyclic Results . 31
2.2.6 Shear Strength Obtained from Existing Model 38
2.3 Vertical Stress Distribution Under Compression . 40
2.3.1 The EffectiveWidth Model 40
2.3.2 Evaluation of the EffectiveWidth Model 43
2.3.3 Discusses on the EffectiveWidth Model . 46
2.4 Stresses Under Compression and Shear 47
2.4.1 Stresses Analysis 47
2.4.2 Discusses on Stresses . 50
2.4.3 Shear Capacity of the Infill Steel Plate 51
2.4.4 LoadCarrying Capacity of the Steel Plate Shear Wall . 53
2.5 Inclination Angle of the Steel Wall with Considering
the Gravity Load . 53
viii Contents
2.5.1 Assumption . 53
2.5.2 Inclination Angles of the Infill Steel Plate . 55
2.5.3 Discuss of the Inclination Angle 57
2.5.4 LoadCarrying Capacity Considering the Inclination
Angle 58
2.6 ShearDisplacement Relationship . 59
2.6.1 ShearDisplacement Relationship Under Compression
and Shear . 59
2.6.2 ShearDisplacement Relationship Under
Compression, Shear and Bending . 63
2.6.3 Experimental Verification . 67
2.7 Summary 82
References . 83
3 Steel Plate Shear Walls with Considering the Gravity Load
by a ThreeSegment Distribution 85
3.1 Introduction . 85
3.2 The ThreeSegment Distribution Under Uniform Compression 87
3.2.1 The Cosine Distribution Under Uniform Compression . 87
3.2.2 The Proposed Stress Distribution Under Uniform
Compression 89
3.2.3 Numerical Analysis 92
3.3 The ThreeSegment Distribution Under Compression
and Inplane Bending . 106
3.3.1 The Cosine Stress Distribution . 106
3.3.2 The Proposed Three Segment Stress Distribution . 109
3.3.3 Finite Element (FE) Analysis 113
3.4 Shear Strength Considering the Gravity Load . 120
3.4.1 Stresses Under Compression and Shear 120
3.4.2 Shear Strength . 122
3.4.3 Discussion of the Approach . 124
3.4.4 Parametric Analysis 125
3.4.5 Shear Strength . 126
3.4.6 Aspect Ratio and Slenderness Ratio . 129
3.5 Shear Strength Considering the Gravity Load and Inplane
Bending . 130
3.5.1 Parametric Analysis 131
3.5.2 Shear Capacity 138
3.5.3 Stress Gradient 138
3.6 Summary 141
References . 142
Contents ix
4 Cross Stiffened Steel Plate ShearWalls Considering theGravity
Load 145
4.1 Introduction . 145
4.2 Shear Strength Model . 147
4.2.1 Stress Under Gravity Load 147
4.2.2 Stress Under Compression and Shear . 149
4.2.3 Shear Capacity 151
4.2.4 Discussions of the Proposed Model . 152
4.3 Numerical Analysis . 155
4.3.1 Finite Element Model . 155
4.3.2 Parametric Analysis 157
4.3.3 Evaluation of the Vertical Stress Distribution . 157
4.3.4 Evaluation of the Shear Strength . 158
4.4 Summary 161
References . 162
5 Corrugated Steel Plate Shear Wall Considering the Gravity
Load 165
5.1 Introduction . 165
5.2 Experiment Design . 168
5.3 Test Results . 170
5.3.1 Hysteretic Curve . 170
5.3.2 Envelope Curves . 174
5.3.3 Specimens’ Behaviour 175
5.4 Finite Element Simulation . 178
5.4.1 Finite Element Model Verification 178
5.4.2 Parametric Analysis 181
5.4.3 Infill Steel Plate Types 181
5.4.4 Vertical Load 184
5.5 Summary 187
References . 188
6 Summary and Future Work . 189
6.1 Main Conclusions 189
6.2 FutureWork . 191
Because of its excellent shear strength and stiffness, a properly designed Steel PlateShear Wall (SPSW) will have considerable energy dissipation capacity, ductility,initial stiffness and ultimate strength. Furthermore, the steel walls are efficient interms of cost and space due to their light weight, ease of construction and smallfootprint, and it has been extensively studied and used in a significant number ofbuildings in the past several decades.
Previous SPSWs used stiffened or thick walls to prevent local buckling. In 1983,Thorburn et al. found out that unstiffened steel wall has a high ductility and strengtheven after buckling, and they proposed a strip model for estimating the shear strengthof the walls. Their model has a high impact on the study of the SPSWs. In the stripmodel, the infill plate is divided into several strips to represent the tension field thatdevelops as a result of applied horizontal load. The strips are cumulatively equalin area to the infill plate, inclined at an angle α and pin connected to the boundarymembers. The angle of inclination is determined based on the theory of least energy.The shear capacity of the infill plate is determined by the horizontal componentof the yield capacity of the tension strips. Thereafter, the unstiffened SPSWs wereexamined by many researchers through largescale tests, tests on construction detailsand analysis of design procedures.
However, a thin rectangular steel wall in a SPSW structure always simultaneouslysustains the lateral load and the gravity load. The gravity load can affect the shearstrength of a SPSW. This effect is not considered in most of the research and standards,which will overestimate the shear capacity and may lead to potential dangerin practice. This book gives an extensive study of the seismic design method ofSPSWs by considering the effects of the gravity load. The structure of the book isas follows. Chapter 1 introduces the background of SPSWs and gives a brief literaturereview to the subject. Chapter 2 is devoted to studying the shear strength ofSPSWs by considering the gravity load by the effectivewidth model. The verticalstress distribution of the wall under the gravity load was assumed to have a formof the effectivewidth model. The stress of the wall under gravity, gravity and shearwere presented. A new inclination angle of the tension strip model by consideringvvi Prefacethe effect of the gravity load was proposed. Finally, the shear strength and the sheardeformationrelationship of SPSWs by considering the effect of the gravity load wereproposed. In Chap. 3, a new vertical stress distribution (threesegment distribution)of the wall under uniform compression and inplane bending was proposed. Thenthe influence of the gravity load on the shear strength of the SPSWs is consideredby the threesegment distribution. The stress throughout the inclined tensile strip,considering the effect of different vertical stress distributions, is determined usingthe von Mises yield criterion. The shear strength is calculated by integrating the shearstress along the width. Chapter 4 gives the shear strength calculation method of thecross stiffened SPSWs by considering the effects of the gravity load. The stiffenedSPSW is divided into several subplates by vertical stiffeners. For each subplate, athreesegment vertical stress distribution under gravity load is proposed. Then theshear strength of the wall is calculated as the sum of the shear strength of each subwall.Chapter 5 gives the shear strength of the corrugated SPSWs by consideringthe effects of the gravity load. Four scaled onestorey singlebay steel plate shearwall specimens with 2 flat panels and 2 corrugated panels were tested to examinetheir behavior under cyclic loadings. A finite element model adopting layered shellelement model was built and verified by the test results. Then a parametric study wasconducted to examine the influences of the gravity load on the shear capacity of thecorrugated steel shear walls. Chapter 6 describes the main conclusions obtained inthis book and corresponding limitations of the employed approaches, upon whichfuture work in the field of SPSWs is summarized.
The author gratefully acknowledge the partial support of this research by theNational Natural Science Foundation of China (52178295 and 51508373), NationalKey Research and Development Program of China (2016YFC0701100), the SpecialPlan Young Topnotch Talent of Tianjin and Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin(16JCZDJC38900 and 17JCZDJC10010). In particular, special thanks go to mysupervisor, Dr. Zhongxian Li, Chair Professor at Tianjin University. My sincerethanks go to him for the continuous support and instructions all the way and all thetime.
Tianjin, China Yang Lv