Modelling of Phase Diagrams for Renewable Energy Materials

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As the concerns of the energy crisis and global warming, researchers have paid much attention to investigate and develop a renewable energy source. Solar photovoltaics and hydrogen energy are two of the largest renewable energy options. However, current practice has failed to achicvc the expecteci cfficiency and properties for potential materials in tcrms of rencwabic device performance due to the lack of fundamental cquilibrium information on the related renewable materials systems.
The phase diagram as the fundamental study is an effective tool for a basic understanding of materials processing, synthesis and materials properties. Besides, thermodynamic modelling of the multicomponent system using the Calculation of Phase Diagrams (CALPHAD) approach is a cost-efficient way to investigate phase equilibria. Therefore, it is widely received to combine experimental work with the calculations. In this work, the key experimental works and thermodynamic calculation are operated to investigate the phase diagrams of some renewable energy materials systems including S-Sb, Cu-S-Sb, Se-Sn-Te, V-Zr, Ti-V-Zr, Fe-Si-Zr systems,
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background and motivation
1.2 Objectives
1.3 Structure of the book

Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Methods for phase diagram determination
2.1.i Equilibrated alloy for phase diagrams determination
2.1.2 Diffusion couples for phase diagram determination
2.1.3 Analysis measurements for phase diagram determination
2.2 CALPHAD( Calculation of Phase Diagram) calculation technology
2.2.1 CALPHAD development history
2.2.2 CALPHAD process
2.2.3 CALPHAD application
2.2.4 Thermodynamic calculation principles
2.2.5 Thermodynamic models
2.2.6 Basic processes of thermodynamic functions

Chapter 3 Thermodynamic Calculation of the S-Sb System and Cu-S-Sb System
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The phase diagram information of the Cu-S-Sb system
3.2.1 The Cu-S system
3.2.2 The Cu-Sb system
3.2.3 The S-Sb system
3.2.4 The Cu-S-Sb system
Chapter 4 Experimental Investigation and Thermodynamic Modelling of the Se-Sn-Te System
Chapter 5 Thermdoynamic Modelling of the V-Zr System Supported by Key Experiments
Chapter 6 Experimental Investigation and Thermdoynamic Modelling of the Ti-V-Zr System
Chapter 7 Experimentallnvestigation and Thermdoynamic Modelling of the Fe-Si-Zr System
Chapter 8 Conclusions and Recommendations
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Sample pages of Modelling of Phase Diagrams for Renewable Energy Materials (ISBN:9787502496272)
Sample pages of Modelling of Phase Diagrams for Renewable Energy Materials (ISBN:9787502496272)
Modelling of Phase Diagrams for Renewable Energy Materials