Inner Mongolia Statistical Yearbook 2009

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"Inner Mongolia Statistical Yearbook 2009" (in bilingual form attached electronic version) is a fully reflect the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region's economic and social development of an information tool. This book contains the system across the province and municipal (prefecture) and county economic and social aspects of the previous year's statistics, as well as the significant year history of the major statistical data; The book is divided into a mainly administrative divisions and natural resources; 2, integration; 3, population, employment and wages; 4, fixed assets investment; 5, energy production and consumption; 6, fiscal, financial and insurance; 7, the price index; eight people's lives; nine cities in profile; 10, agriculture; 11 , industry; 12, the construction industry; 13, transportation, postal and information transmission; 14, the domestic trade; 15, foreign trade and tourism; 16, education, science, technology and culture; 17, sports, health and other social activities; and so on ... ... ... ...
Table of Contents
Inner Mongolia Statistical Yearbook 2009