Usage Advice: To be used together with HSK Standard Course 3 (Textbook)
Level: Elementary
Note: Answers for the exercise can be found in
Authorized by Hanban, HSK Standard Course is developed under the joint efforts of Beijing Language and Culture University Press and Chinese Testing International (CTI). With HSK test papers as its primary source, HSK Standard Course is characterized by a humorous style, familiar topics and a scientific course design. Matching the HSK test in all aspects, from the content, form to the levels, it is a series of new-type course books embodying the idea of combining testing and teaching, and promoting learning and teaching by testing". It is suitable for the Confucius Institutes in different countries as well as other Chinese teaching institutions and self-taught learners.
The whole series is divided into six levels matching the HSK test, with one volume for each of Levels 1-3 and two volumes for each of Levels 4-6, totaling nine volumes. With a textbook, a workbook and a teacher’s book in each volume, there are altogether 27 books.
This is the workbook of HSK Standard Course 3, including exercises for each of the 20 lessons in the textbook, one HSK Level 3 model test, and an introduction to the HSK Level 3 test. This book can help students succeed in the HSK Level 3 test and all-roundly improve their Chinese competence and proficiency.
The workbook is illustrated with plenty of photos matching the style of the test. An MP3 CD comes with the book.
About the Author
Professor Jiang Liping is a postgraduate tutor in Beijing Language and Culture University whose research focuses on the theories of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, teaching methodology and textbook study. Ms. Jiang’s works include books such as On Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, Ways on How to Teach Foreigners Chinese and Classroom Expression Course for Chinese Teaching as well as more than 10 papers published in Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies, Chinese Language Teaching and other journals. She has given lectures in many countries and cities, such as Japan, the United States, Thailand and Hong Kong."
1 周末你有什么打算
2 他什么时候回来
3 桌子上放着很多饮料
4 她总是笑着跟客人说话
5 我最近越来越胖了
6 怎么突然找不到了
7 我跟她都认识五年了
8 你去哪儿我就去哪儿
9 她的汉语说得跟中国人一样好
10 数学比历史难多了
11 别忘了把空调关了
12 把重要的东西放在我这儿吧
13 我是走回来的
14 你把水果拿过来
15 其他都没什么问题
16 我现在累得下了班就想睡觉
17 谁都有办法看好你的“病”
18 我相信他们会同意的
19 你没看出来吗
20 我被他影响了
附录1 HSK(三级)模拟试卷
第四部分Part IV
Questions 16—20:Listen to the dialogues and choose the right answers.
A洗澡 B吃饭 C看电视
16. A咖啡馆 B电梯那儿 C超市
17. A药 B面条 C鸡蛋
18. A去洗手间 B找雨伞 C去吃饭
19. A明天中午不忙 B不想跟男的吃饭 C不知道哪天吃饭
20. A考得很好 B不会写汉字 C一个题都不会
第一部分Part I
Questions 21—25:Match the two parts of the same dialogue.
例如:你知道怎么去那儿吗? (E)
21.你怎么又去洗手间啊? ( )
22.这种蛋糕很甜,孩子们很喜欢。 ( )
23.是啊,看了很多,但是都不太满意。 ( )
24.我要去跟几个老朋友见面。 ( )
25.哪儿安静我就去哪儿。 ( )
Questions 26—30:Choose the proper words to fill in the brackets.
A电梯 B洗手间 C几乎 D重要 E声音 F又
26.你等我一会儿,我去一下( ),马上回来。
27.他( )每天都要去公园锻炼一个小时。
28.( )里人太多了,我们别坐了。
29.A:今天晚上你( )要去听音乐会?
B:其实胖点儿或者瘦点儿都没关系,健康最( )。