Environmental Isotope in Groundwater

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Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Hydrogeochemical Processes in the Groundwater System
1.1 Groundwater resource
1.2 Groundwater cycling
1.3 Evapotranspiration
1.4 Dissolution and precipitation
1.5 Oxidization and reduction
1.6 Adsorption and desorption
Chapter 2 Theory and Principle of Isotopes
2.1 Definition
2.2 Isotope fractionation processes
2.3 Radioisotopes
Chapter 3 Isotopic Analytical Methods
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Standards
3.3 Analytical methods
Chapter 4 Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopes
4.1 Analytical techniques
4.2 Fractionation processes
4.3 Variations of Hydrogen and Oxygen isotopes in groundwater
4.4 Application
Chapter 5 Carbon Isotope
5.1 Carbon species in groundwater
5.2 Analytical techniques for the 13 CDIC and 13 CDOC
5.3 Fractionation processes
5.4 Variations of Carbon isotopes in groundwater
5.5 Application
Chapter 6 Nitrogen Isotope
6.1 Nitrogen species in groundwater
6.2 Analytical techniques for the 15N-NO3- and 18O-NO3-
6.3 Fractionation processes
6.4 Variations of Nitrogen isotopes in groundwater
6.5 Application
Chapter 7 Sulfur Isotope
7.1 Sulfur species in groundwater
7.2 Analytical techniques
7.3 Fractionation processes
7.4 Variations of sulfur isotopes in groundwater
7.5 Application
Chapter 8 Chlorine and Bromine Isotope
8. 1 Chlorine and bromine species in groundwater
8.2 Analytical techniques for the chlorine and bromine isotope
8.3 Fractionation processes
8.4 Variations of chlorine and bromine isotopes in groundwater
8.5 Application
Chapter 9 Calcium and Strontium Isotope
9.1 Analytical techniques for the Calcium and Strontium Isotope
9.2 Fractionation processes
9.3 Variations of Calcium and Strontium isotopes in the environment
9.4 Application
Chapter 10 Iron Isotope
10.1 Iron species in groundwater
10.2 Analytical techniques for the Iron isotope
10.3 Fractionation processes
10.4 Variations of Iron isotopes
10.5 Application
Chapter 11 Compound-Specific Isotope
11.1 Definitions
11.2 Analytical techniques-Gas chromatography coupled to isotope-ratio mass spectrometry
11.3 Fractionation processes
11.4 Application
Chapter 12 Groundwater Dating
12.1 3H
12.2 3H/3He
12.3 85Kr
12.4 32Si
12.5 39Ar
12.6 14C
12.7 81Kr
12.8 36Cl
12.9 4He
12.10 129I
12.11 Application
Environmental Isotope in Groundwater