Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics 2015.2

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2015年第2期(总第112期)Vol. 38, No. 2, Apr. 2015第38卷 第2期 2015年4月


Second Language Acquisition二语习得

Understanding Interaction Inside and Outside the EFL Self-Concept System: A Case Study of ChineseLearners in Junior High School Xia CHEN & Hao XU初中生英语学习自我概念系统内外互动的个案研究 陈夏 徐浩

Task-Induced Involvement Load: The Accumulation Effects on Vocabulary Acquisition Jui-Hsin TeresaWANG文章阅读后之练习活动引发学习者于单词上的投入量——探究其累积的学习效果 王瑞欣

Metacognitive Knowledge of Tertiary-Level EFL Reading: Case Studies in an Acquisition-Poor ContextJie LI & Cecilia Ka Wai CHUN英语阅读元认知知识——基于中国大学生的个案研究 李洁

Cecilia Ka Wai CHUNA Study into Students’ Views on Guided Peer Feedback in Group Work XIE Jingjing & MU Fengying关于小组活动中学生对有指导同伴反馈的看法研究 谢晶晶 穆凤英

Effect of Morphology on Word Acquisition: An Investigation on the Acquisition of Psych AdjectivesXU Chengping & JING Yang形态对词汇习得的影响研究---以心理形容词的习得为视角 徐承萍 景漾

Teaching Methodology教学法Integrating Information and Communication Technology into Interpreter Training in China: State-of-the-Art and Prospect XU Mingwu & DENG Juntao信息通信技术辅助口译教学的研究——回顾与展望 许明武 邓军涛

Teacher Development教师发展

A Case Study of the English Teachers’ Burnout in a Medical University in China LI Shunying中国医学院校英语教师职业倦怠个案研究 李顺英

Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics 2015.2