Chinese Imperial Cuisines and Eating Secrets

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Chinese imperial food, the essence of the Chinese dietetic culture and absorbed the Confucian, Daoist and Buddhist ideas of building health through food, it also has accumulated the expertise of China's skilled cooks. This book includes an appendix that explains how to cook 52 dishes that every family can try. The articles in the book, contributed by specialists from the Palace Museum, contain academic, authoritative, interesting and practical knowledge.
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1 Customer Review(s):
by Jiann on 2014-07-01 01:31:50
This book is bilingual, i.e english and mandarin. It tells us about the Chinese imperial diets, and how the eating habits/preferences with the chinese imperials evolved with time. It is an interesting read, however, the english language used in the book needs more work.
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Chinese Imperial Cuisines and Eating Secrets